110  Brian & Justin in hotel bedQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 a0 J7 K: l+ O6 |5 Z) u# ]/ V
Filthy Mind           Amanda Ghost             " |" b7 `# H& t, V

9 U% M" J% ]! j% swww.qaf1.orgLove is gone同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# \0 C1 ^4 U- Z+ d( C
My TV's on
" l) `5 \; y6 fI'm hanging with the boys同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: E$ R4 U' R- ]: v( D4 T+ B7 u- w6 C
A life with fools( z& u% i# @% a& h  C; t
this world is cruelwww.qaf1.org7 n- }5 \5 k+ _- C6 L1 ?
We never dispense with toysQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ U" F! k5 v% d: g1 R
Could you make a suggestion: y5 A. x6 v2 k5 v2 J+ D( C% T* b( N
for an act I would enjoyQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 C+ a$ q9 [0 M8 h
I'm drowning同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" m. A/ k) a- k  u, f% @. w
So come inside同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" w% N9 k% j4 h" R4 M, m; W
Welcome to my filthy mind同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( D! ]8 s0 }2 `! J8 K! s
My fingers are burnt
9 a7 b# }+ ~; K: J) D' S" ]: C- ?www.qaf1.orgForgot what I learnt2 f; w. F8 N+ _, F2 R
I'll never be a satisfied同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志' R1 P2 m# Y+ w. {
Become a recluse
7 \6 R$ a; L" R: D3 |/ v同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Enjoy the abusewww.qaf1.org) g+ K/ }' Z* F7 g% T/ |
It's better to just get highwww.qaf1.org4 D+ U. F# c+ t1 h/ ~* h* ^) b1 T
Now I feel like a baby同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; G; m4 P3 O3 X) h0 k, r
who has just opened its eyes
6 M& k! s. r$ w% Y; Z9 x0 t0 OQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站I'm drowningQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ d6 R) z; C) J# I
So come inside
, v, X' Z# Z/ V" }# `" f; rWelcome to my filthy mind


118   Justin Drawing
3 d& P  L, M$ @+ N0 k: j同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
) N' D- m3 z* i4 @& QA Kind of Magic          Queen
' l3 i1 V2 R7 \& G! q& M: A! x# s( I) h) `
It's a kind of magic,
/ F& o8 v6 w6 }6 Hwww.qaf1.orgIt's a kind of magic,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 v" `" D2 K. O2 r
A kind of magic,
7 C  [, b, C) O$ d( W9 NOne dream, one soul, one prize,
+ T; G* I, D7 g# q% O# e) o) nQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站One goal, one golden glance of what should be,www.qaf1.org) S8 r+ d0 B5 n$ ~
It's a kind of magic,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! Y# E8 ~# P7 f! n4 |) p/ {
One shaft of light that shows the way,! Z& N2 k3 u% v- ?5 j
No mortal man can win this day,
: h) K! M: A, x6 F9 q/ l8 AIt's a mind of magic,
5 z3 [1 h, e! ^) A同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志The bell that rings inside your mind,
" j5 l+ E! \$ D; }3 ^Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站It's a challenging the doors of time,+ V: Z. O& [9 f3 r- P+ t3 j& v- A
It's a kind of magic,7 M( c" ^+ S% A' d# h: e3 ?
The waiting seems eternity,
) S" J0 T2 F: g, p9 c7 Z8 L' D- Hwww.qaf1.orgThe day will dawn of sanity,
6 j. s' R% u$ z5 [1 a! I  Y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志It's a kind of magic,
" n' h+ X, {- j1 U9 V; |  {同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志There can be only one,
/ x# B+ ]' H3 k+ T! CThis rage that lasts a thousand yearsQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8 ]/ ^1 {& B; A/ s# j2 I+ i! w: }0 n; t
Will soon be gone,
/ |* f3 U7 n. X3 i/ ]3 ~) j: eQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站This flame that burns inside of me,
% @2 O. m0 H8 F$ \# T! h) cI'm hearing secret harmonies
/ O2 \+ m* h/ X  |1 R( Vwww.qaf1.orgIt's a kind of magic,& h# I" z+ F" i, d: b8 O
The bell that rings inside your mind,
; M3 u6 O  t- E  a: g. dQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Is challenging the doors of time,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 r" F6 V1 {5 g2 w6 U) {
It's a kind of magic,
6 p; p$ _8 k* L: Q% e0 ^! oQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站It's a kind of magic,
, N+ y6 X0 O  M6 m# M+ s9 L: D4 C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志This rage that lasts a thousand years,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( R7 N/ t* j) e9 O' ]' A
Will soon be will soon be,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  g$ m, n" t& u7 i
Will soon be gone,
! H9 R! k# N0 }& nThis is a kind of magic,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. ]) ~/ z! a& B! a
Tere can only be one,
" {+ g( [4 e4 T0 N8 rwww.qaf1.orgThis life that lasts a thousand years,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志3 d: y: k0 }3 v1 V+ i# @
Will soon be gone,
% ^* ~% P2 h7 ]4 ?) J( c* w, }! l% _www.qaf1.orgMagic - it's a kind of magic,
& p' k7 `- X; G2 r- Kwww.qaf1.orgIt's a kind of magic,' q' t  l$ n! n, |0 k, A  v
Magic, magic, magic, magic,7 f" {3 L) ]% W6 u! J+ N
It's magic,
" h" F* w8 w5 ?# C. W7 wwww.qaf1.orgIt's a kind of magic.


last181855翻的forever young中文歌词
2 w- @( V5 L  B& I' v6 k# U' eQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! b8 V3 r: Z' Y! M$ H7 p1 Z
太爱forever young这首歌了!觉得歌词真的很棒,道出了就要远离青春的我太多的心声!每次听时心里都在想着断断续续的中文,很不舒服,终于忍不住把它译出来了。本来就是为自个听歌时看的,但既然译了也就放上来吧。有些话怎么翻都不得劲,因为总想与歌词的节奏配合,真痛苦,所以基本是演绎的。希望高人能指点一下,能不能有更舒服的翻法?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" b7 j1 p, j; k' k9 M: S( N

- D  Q: Y3 O4 \6 ~( x" F/ T" }Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站forever young2 i! F' q! X& ]7 r' a5 |
3 S2 ]! z& n# x1 P
Let's dance in style 5 f  q6 w2 w  C5 U4 |
$ ~* R; k: B! Y7 ~+ {- d. SQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Lets dance for a while 9 G/ z1 C: U. H1 r# {& f
哪怕只是片刻,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& j; E. j7 s: X5 l0 |# v
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies % K! b( V6 c+ u( o  l% ?8 q7 K6 O3 q
只有仰望蓝天,天堂才会等待,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) \) S  F: l. `
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
/ f! ]$ \/ c4 G7 ]: K# ?# ?0 P5 p祈祷最美的未来,预备最糟的结果,
' n) i: p0 W/ n! Gwww.qaf1.orgAre you going to drop the bomb or not?
( ^; t2 A" o1 s; L1 Y你是否现在就想引爆这悬念?
3 l" B7 q- u9 _- C) n1 C1 ELet us die young or let us live forever Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站% X' z  O; w: L& S+ ~$ Z+ p- u
% o! X% x6 x9 J1 x7 J8 oWe don't have the power but we never say never
! t' B$ F( ]  A0 x( g( A' p我们无权决断,但从不说“从不”;: `- ]0 m- ^( r$ a* U
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
7 |/ {! W0 s8 Y8 [' Z同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志坐在沙地上,生命是一场短暂的施行,
& w: K5 c! @$ u$ j- X; s/ M7 bThe music's for the sad men *
2 A0 U7 T2 t$ m2 z" P4 Vwww.qaf1.org音乐为悲伤的人奏响。
6 G, M3 a: k* Y0 g5 R同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Can you imagine when this race is won 9 [2 l" I: f* d# {- v
你能想象那时那刻,当此役最终胜利,www.qaf1.org  m& I7 F# }8 U; N
Turn our golden faces into the sun " l; W! b" n8 b( I* T# _* t; i* f
我们把金色的面庞朝向太阳,www.qaf1.org+ H- F( l& O2 C' G0 b
Praising our leaders we're getting in tune The music's played by the madmen
+ m* D, v: ^' KQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站在疯狂的乐声中,为引路者齐声歌唱。( I& O$ D5 w- X. D% c6 u) I+ r

4 L% B5 F1 L  U! I- X- ]0 I) l同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Forever young, I want to be forever young *
2 P) m5 z2 T1 \永远年轻,我想要永远年轻,4 `& V+ W& _* G; y3 x4 H- W8 n* L- S
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever   u9 D5 @! I. |% g  W, P, Y( h, t
$ T7 c  b, P8 G9 USome are like water, some are like the heat *
, k  }# I$ F" `2 P5 ?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站有些是似水柔情,有些是炽烈如火,
( J- C. p3 D5 T# L& K; h* ~3 KQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Some are a melody and some are the beat
' ]8 {7 \  a+ w) x4 C0 b1 I一时是婉转的旋律,一时是愤劲的敲击,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, v: N' L( ~7 n
Sooner or later they all will be gone 0 N. f: |$ o) E
或迟或早,它们都将消散,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; G, w  z; J- V2 q/ F4 ]/ n: o
Why don't they stay young
6 j" i( A) T# c为何不能年轻到永远?
* H) ^& M, }. w2 ~5 V4 X- AIt's so hard to get old without a cause
1 f0 ?4 Y* ]4 h2 M6 z& W无缘无故就老去,谁能心甘情愿? & ]6 q1 C6 }# @# q, k1 z; Y0 z
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
" a+ R1 L9 k  A7 ^. Y' c' Qwww.qaf1.org我不想如迟暮老马般渐去渐远。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志/ \0 R! Q( t$ s8 a8 r
Youth is like diamonds in the sun * And diamonds are forever www.qaf1.org+ b1 i& ~# P" B8 Z
$ h7 F/ T9 S- I) R/ d( YQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站So many adventures couldn't happen today 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& l: R$ f1 ]. d/ C0 Y8 U2 y5 ^
太多的冒险还未曾开始,! |0 t3 [& J% t' E8 G! A
So many songs we forgot to play *, O7 q  t" t% D4 O
: {; O' j; h+ E9 }" |So many dreams are swinging out of the blue ,We let them come true同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& w2 \+ i- f) o+ |/ h
太多的梦想总在悲伤中打旋,让它们全都实现吧!www.qaf1.org* |- }# `. o# K$ t, x" |' b7 j
www.qaf1.org1 X5 K) Z. Z1 y8 ~; o; z* I


poses —— Brian没有买玫瑰之歌
4 y( V  ~( N6 x* ]同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
0 x+ S* k8 X8 Cwww.qaf1.orgTHE YELLOW WALLS AREQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ c6 {, |3 A! ~2 n; H4 J
3 N8 R# W8 n9 q
. W! [) _9 O% F7 |# E- @* \同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志AND I'VE GOT MY NEW RED6 m$ }1 p  ], F5 H/ ]
( u9 H3 a- z; {% a# c. P
0 H9 _  b5 t3 j同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志SUCH BEAUTIFUL POSES
# q) j. f+ g& N$ f6 c( i
. s) V! U! d' S* F- awww.qaf1.orgMAKE CITY BOY FEEL
  p, C' _. A& C0 DQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站LIKE PICKING UP ROSES www.qaf1.org: i/ [4 A( M! c* D1 A" I

: i7 V/ d( Q5 {2 r  y; C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志THERE'S NEVER BEENwww.qaf1.org: F2 a7 v' n, l( |. G7 x. U
; s: v) o1 K" d! G+ g8 Q- m6 \0 C- \
/ L7 p# E' V9 dQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站AS WHEN WEARING OUR NEW
/ g# \1 ^; _. I4 y/ L* q- gQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站BRAND NAME BLACK SUNGLASSES 3 e- g) d6 Y" j9 j5 j7 F

! a8 A) K5 U! [Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站ALL THESE POSES," L* S/ y+ Q1 C
  h. W; H: D) C$ ^# FQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站AS PRETTY AS PRINCES
9 t' G* T3 T3 Y) @. w同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 e! f5 k+ Z+ s- y/ E
6 ~; e  E. V5 H- F! U4 s+ GQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站PARK'S CONDUCTING # x) x. T1 q+ D1 P3 n
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 J* B3 g' w6 D3 l" m( h; A
1 R- e% Z; |" X" C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志A WONDROUS CHORUS
! b" e  E5 |, L同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) C* S9 `: \- C1 S: {7 o' l8 b+ u7 T
2 F( L7 b% `; R, F2 D. K& t
+ J1 o+ t7 g% I9 l* _& F0 B  z同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志LIFE IS A GAME AND
/ }* Z# P& X( Z+ R. V: J% U. ZQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站TRUE LOVE IS A TROPHY
& @$ ?0 m' U6 m8 l2 J0 r2 s" y$ XAND YOU SAY WATCH MY HEAD ABOUT IT
4 c; V' L% U/ m) s! m% I* Q同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 b+ e1 o# }4 _& L) i% ?
BABY YOU SAY www.qaf1.org, k+ W5 L2 y3 V2 s
WATCH MY HEAD ABOUT IT同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& s( M6 ~( Q6 c2 P! [. u
MY HEAD ABOUT IT www.qaf1.org3 k) }2 x+ _; m. {( f0 n


504 开篇床戏插曲《Personal Jesus》
. w1 I7 w5 i- y5 o! x同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志www.qaf1.org0 ]1 m. B5 o. }* R; P
: w5 Z; a! ]1 w# G0 H5 H同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
- B* P: B* d% j. tPersonal Jesus
, Z) f' `; f8 r7 f. UQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
1 w4 @% Z7 f+ [% t  m. K! O& GQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志/ z2 w% L* R! [+ ^
Reach out and touch faith$ C' X! u) U7 W+ M. {3 n# }

5 `* C8 W( D9 f# E* bYour own personal JesusQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站# q( c+ y, W3 N  E6 f8 C% q8 j
Someone to hear your prayers
2 h9 v* a! Q8 zSomeone who cares
) K% u$ a3 o/ ^, V  {7 G同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Your own personal Jesus$ `. @2 v9 W2 y( ^( b6 [2 n& v0 @/ ~
Someone to hear your prayers
$ o; w/ w, a5 {0 N! N# Kwww.qaf1.orgSomeone who's there, U8 q1 F- e) b4 N2 `+ j" A

1 i  T  E) m7 n2 Y1 VFeeling unknown/ ?, ^4 c9 c# ^0 ?8 m: M
And you're all alone
3 D. b0 f% y1 l2 U0 |# qFlesh and bone
9 S5 ^8 E9 C9 b, w& R: a. |By the telephone$ m% F5 @0 X( T* u
Lift up the receiver
8 k+ h- B; h4 o" v; w1 h. s9 O7 q# K- R1 ?I'll make you a believer5 p. ~2 x. [( ?+ W% _! G$ z9 f) H9 f
Take second bestQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, E! O1 `9 }$ [% {
Put me to the test
" }5 ?6 s% N* s- u( F* N* cQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Things on your chest
6 {0 [. N9 L& n% e/ z! Q同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志You need to confess
" j& I! e3 Y* ~I will deliver
" ]7 _& \3 L& _www.qaf1.orgYou know I'm a forgiver7 L( f- e+ {- R  e4 ?
Reach out and touch faith  ~- x1 W8 d# U4 z  u& z; v
Reach out and touch faith6 x0 U1 e) A1 _) y
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, O$ |1 Z5 A2 A$ _7 A: b2 m. J
Your own personal Jesus...www.qaf1.org  s/ x. F: g, b7 P: u8 m
7 g: L2 Y' @; x4 G% v
Feeling unknown同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志' i" A2 J, e$ o2 J
And you're all alone
/ r( `. g5 p5 r同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Flesh and bone
" W8 Q& D# x0 A: V& \5 W! ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志By the telephone/ G% e: ]6 C4 [# i/ w
Lift up the receiver
) A0 I8 S! Y5 c0 {4 ?0 d7 g1 @I'll make you a believer
$ R+ {, w# o0 z% Q3 i( QI will deliver
( m7 y( w2 ]7 J$ QYou know I'm a forgiverQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站' W+ M% I# d. Y5 [3 I
Reach out and touch faith
/ d5 H$ `" b$ eYour own personal Jesus7 E, D" t  X6 p: ?7 C3 x5 G4 D
Reach out and touch faith


nei2w提供的地址:http://www.stlyrics.com/q/queerasfolkshowtimeseries.htmQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站4 z* C" i% Z0 N; ^# k! P8 Q
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 u# h: F5 D% i( g+ r+ |
Artist: Barry Harris f/ Pepper Mashaywww.qaf1.org* [- l: U) F5 \' R; B. T
Song: Dive in the Pool
& w# P7 o! |$ ^7 ]4 d! Z
' ?- q/ ]2 S+ I% `; B; ^/ d- `www.qaf1.orgWell, alright...
* z. z: d6 J  O" b同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志How ya'll feelin' tonight?
; `  Y. |. }6 I+ [# I6 _2 f同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Ya'll feelin' good?
2 t, k4 x; Y2 U& _5 L  EWell you know... I'm feelin' mighty good tonight...$ z9 y4 ^/ D& u9 P( S0 ~. N
But you see baby... it's a little hot in here...
2 }# W: L0 U$ v  N) F. jIn more ways than one...www.qaf1.org9 d0 @9 s3 l) C* P. b0 ^
So I've got a little proposal to make to each and every one of you here tonight...
) Q7 e8 L8 m% `$ L) y( B" V同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I think it's time... that we all... go dive in the pool...- V& L/ j( i2 \; F% W  T
Ya'll wanna go dive in the pool?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ ^+ s4 O( G  a' u' Z
I know ya'll wanna go dive in the pool!
, w' Z& y3 Z$ Z  d+ Qwww.qaf1.orgCome on! Come on! Let's go!
- p9 r$ v3 B7 o1 i4 Owww.qaf1.orgLET'S GET SOAKEN WET!
' i% h, d. }* `4 p' x% o0 SQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Now I know there's quite a few of you who don't quite get it yet...
) D4 B- L; }$ l% I% pQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站But I wanna see each and every one of you... in the pool, with me tonight...
3 E7 _$ N7 b4 S8 K5 eYa see baby... the vibe is right... and the feelin's right...4 Z( b2 v+ z$ E8 v
And we're all just one big happy family here tonight...
# ~' w* G* W6 r9 C9 G( S2 h$ b' k同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志So I wanna see each and every one of you, dive in the pool... with me, tonight...
1 W  _* j8 z. e* v9 V% ~/ |www.qaf1.orgCome on! Are ya ready? Come on! Come on boys! www.qaf1.org  ]+ j  i# q4 \; i9 H& p: x
I wanna see it! Are ya ready? Are ya ready? Come on? I wanna hear it!
& E$ g% B3 a- m0 T* {, E2 hQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站LET'S GET SOAKEN WET!


nei2w提供的地址:http://www.stlyrics.com/q/queerasfolkshowtimeseries.htm, c8 r, r: d2 a  a

/ z9 N4 p/ f" `, i, y! V. o+ ~Artist: Alcazar
  C" v: e# ~3 rQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Song: Crying at the Discotheque" K2 P! p1 D4 C, M( ^
# C% m5 c6 I& H9 P5 T6 u  _  @3 q
Downtown's been caught by the hysteria, w/ g$ u" V+ k
People scream and shout  V1 O) y; A0 L6 }) w
A generation's on the move
- B* n0 c6 E. w' _同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志When disco spreads like bacteriaQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& p! i2 v3 d) A! |
These lonely days are outwww.qaf1.org  W5 A9 Z; R+ `( E+ t- A% d
Welcome the passion of the groove
  T0 P3 Y3 x6 f4 G) d7 c2 w* ^) q
0 X  j( [" u9 U9 l6 h0 u8 l同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志The golden years( C7 Y3 X, g! L
The silver tears- N* Y1 }/ m+ q1 k/ z- A) [
You wore a tie like Richard Gere4 E' v- P- X2 M/ C9 Z) H, X
I wanna get down2 I9 o! X9 K# A+ J8 [
You spin me around
' e3 }1 ]4 g5 a& S9 {I stand on the borderline7 B) z4 V  m; W5 B# S
Crying at the discoteque* M( a( Y7 {* F. s! @
Crying at the discoteque同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 m6 _! u+ S9 ^' |( M1 v

. ?1 _  ^( E3 iwww.qaf1.orgI saw you crying: `( K) f$ I: g8 g# J% u. P9 R
I saw you crying at the discoteque
* ]2 i2 h! V7 l; r+ I. Jwww.qaf1.orgI saw you cryingQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 Q. n$ O7 _5 P7 A
I saw you crying at the discoteque
% t( F+ S/ p, }3 a: l  fQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
) y* a9 w( q! @  l+ H& v) e* u同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Tonight's the night at the danceteriawww.qaf1.org  |: A8 ~" F' b% Y
The joining of the tribe
6 j& W5 }7 |* F; Q: P& CThe speakers blasting clear and loud同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 i' V) A6 Z" U  F
The way you dance is our criteria
6 P' o% E: a7 ~4 d% E9 U同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志The DJ takes you high: L( s; R6 k  s3 d# @$ s
Let tears of joy baptise the crowd
! H8 h6 i! c4 d' Q同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
3 I. ^' c0 K, f) gThe golden years同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( a0 f$ d8 ~' L7 Y8 m# e
The silver tears同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志9 w& h$ C1 G( B. _) M  Y
You wore a tie like Richard GereQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 w" U! p8 O; c
I wanna get down
9 @( k% ]% m8 QYou spin me around
; y# @1 z( q" {8 l+ ]& M( Y5 MI stand on the borderline
. H6 V( g& s" qCrying at the discoteque
7 S* b5 S' d6 q% c& C5 ~Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Crying at the discoteque
) U, h/ Q6 {: @% b. D, K- `4 L6 Awww.qaf1.orgI saw you crying
! D% V1 U4 @* S+ MI saw you crying at the discoteque
, i, R0 z+ a9 a) ~6 ]4 ?0 |I saw you crying
: s" {' y, l4 C$ j/ BI saw you crying at the discoteque
2 D# k3 n5 X' ^: H; {% Q" d' `3 bQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8 D# u* F, m, N/ E/ M5 O3 N
The passion of the groove
, Z5 l* u1 o4 b1 jGeneration on the move
$ |0 H) [7 D4 O, h/ i; @! M4 _4 ~! xJoining of the disco tribe同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: b) ~) m) Y# j! S8 p
Let the music take you high; Z# N( p7 X, N  _1 h
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" [9 l! F  t7 n5 R  t
The golden years
" P" o' p6 l! o" Wwww.qaf1.orgThe silver tears
# S9 o) |0 m, MQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站You wore a tie like Richard Gere
7 w! r! K' |$ Z. \' @Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站I wanna get down* f" N9 b6 b& T5 {( n/ I# L
You spin me around# o8 s& p( u2 w( i4 M8 O& a
I stand on the borderlinewww.qaf1.org0 T4 Z) R! F/ v% ?! `2 v1 I3 Q
Crying at the discoteque同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 g- S" {$ D- I. D) Y0 x
Crying at the discoteque同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* E+ D% h$ a6 E) c+ x
I saw you crying
0 ]7 W5 V3 Q$ X) c- O" w$ K同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I saw you crying at the discoteque
$ S) q+ Q, b+ ]  lQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站I saw you crying
% R1 ~$ A- Y7 C. z+ Q# ?0 Y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I saw you crying at the discoteque


2 n& ]% y" E9 j7 V( S
* q; k& V4 ^. t' {1 N" O- h同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Artist: Jay-Jay JohansonQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ H/ P, B! c1 O0 U" [
Song: Suffering
& U+ d0 @4 \( N同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
- f  K; T" g4 m" m  X) j3 _9 a) o) k4 n同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Autumn is here inside my heart
4 Z* S. Y; V2 R- V, \/ zWhen there's springtime in the airQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ L$ B- r/ J2 y/ d
Loneliness is tearing me apart% Z$ }) r2 p5 {7 h: c) S, N/ J7 [
Being lost makes me scared
/ ^8 z0 H+ O( k5 {) HI keep on asking the gods above
7 D- T  r0 L2 ]" @- u8 L同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志to send my love back to me6 V0 C# o$ f6 V4 R9 F0 `
Oh please let these days and weeks* u  n0 N/ K( z+ W; l: X, _
Pass by so quickly同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 x. b6 G: B6 e$ e
Nobody suffers like I do" O2 l7 ~) e6 y: T' t% ^: z, c$ z, q2 x
Nobody else, oh nowww.qaf1.org: G+ s6 U. }* b$ @% k
Nobody suffers like I do
7 c( X, n; S3 C( s% jNobody else but you
1 R5 e' ^+ M7 ]+ {# T# T  M1 CYou had to leave, I know1 z! E. H2 V2 u( A# c
And we knew it would be tough同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( [9 K! S/ F$ T2 Y5 C; |
You said you would be back soonQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; E! h: o7 s: C8 B5 R
Soon is not soon enough, s% ]7 r* D4 |
Through this waiting in vain6 R# D0 _! c9 n, `7 x
All this darkness and pain
. h! o; \# a6 tI've been crying for you, now I'm dying
% f, A  U" R5 ~$ z/ BWhen this test is at the end
3 J5 b! _' ?' N& G; cI hope you'll understand7 P, @4 \+ D5 K- u, `! o; Y
That you're all that I've got
8 j  O) ^+ A0 q% k3 }同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Oh darling


6 X% c" w; W. T. [Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( J1 Y( V  P8 N/ N' a- P, e# g
Artist: Mint Royale7 O1 Q. x. D2 M. O3 D4 V
Song: Shake Me$ I* b* i9 `; T2 H3 C# ?- m0 v7 n

2 H* H, Z6 `  u6 O4 U2 h, t! j. fQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Go Nuts! 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 B/ [) h5 J" j1 v
Go Nuts!
6 {* W& k/ f" N+ }$ [) K0 l4 ^8 [/ v3 vGo Nuts! $ k% s4 z. T- }( q/ B
Go Nuts! , S! t+ E* F! a% p5 ~& ?# ~

! v5 g( `! F2 V' e6 a% N, D, ?# f7 AShake me , T: U; n, d* J- j- j. B0 \
Take me in your arms
! e6 f3 j- R  x+ o' p+ CSqueeze me 4 Q( E/ i! c6 ]
Please me baby, baby
  z, C$ B0 w9 Q) Q( I* l" _Shake me www.qaf1.org0 p1 V( |. R6 {7 J# Q& {: Y, F# p
Make me yours again
0 Y0 R6 v6 x" q+ }& D) QHug me
! n4 ~) o/ f7 t$ I( pwww.qaf1.orgLove me
' r1 ?+ c3 d6 t0 u# D. F9 w+ d同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Be my friend
, n0 I* L0 U! T2 T' ][Repeat 2]同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  m1 a% A' b( I$ J, q+ u
, a5 D5 ^; d; a* _) }. @5 b; k9 ?0 C
Go Nuts! www.qaf1.org( X! ]" n2 h5 H( D/ r
Go Nuts! 7 ]1 Q1 u4 f6 u; b) M
Go Nuts!
# N9 V+ ^7 [$ t8 u. w5 hGo Nuts!
5 u! V+ O4 `- r2 @  ]
! ?8 D# `( \0 \8 B- aShake me
: t" _# x6 f* r* C& z/ y7 f: k$ PTake me in your arms 6 E' q; T7 X) l" o& @
Squeeze me ' M( c: N* T6 Y) J5 z, Z7 N
Please me baby, baby 6 Y+ s/ q$ ?) `. c
Shake me 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# y9 Y% ^: b/ z' A
Make me yours again
9 f4 u; s& Y! v$ p7 yHug me
& d4 B: o( Z3 E, X' V# pLove me
$ n8 p% w& d* I% b5 t/ gBe my friend
5 Q. m- b: q+ U+ `, k& }/ xwww.qaf1.org[Repeat 2]


Save The Last Dance For Me
, Z' H; I& G' @+ b5 w同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 v) P" }/ G0 O) u4 p* ?  F
You can dance2 ]+ _8 F: w- C8 Z) L# v4 H
Every dance with the guy
, v: G; t- b# p6 O同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Who gives you the eye% O1 `* @3 O! _  v) T- `
Let him hold you tightwww.qaf1.org% ]- |+ c- a, I
You can smilewww.qaf1.org9 t5 B9 s& s/ \# @
Every smile for the man, N: {$ t. d3 @0 K9 I( a1 x' R
Who held your hand
& S0 u  a$ G/ J6 r8 q% |1 |Beneath the pale moonlight
2 o, B4 J, i# {2 O- zBut don't forget who's taking you homewww.qaf1.org, |* b  m. A8 p
And in whose arms you're gonna be
7 O: w& o2 b, Y$ ?  P# [: rSo darlin', save the last dance for me
: I& w5 q( l$ [( p! ]  V) IOh, I know8 D- G5 F3 g- _7 l3 T9 D8 F
That the musics fine同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志% X# t( B/ b8 r& ~# X4 V& b
Like sparkling wine* I' ]+ F& z8 E
Go and have your fun0 p8 S4 r6 u3 w+ `/ s/ o, Q
Laugh and sing  Q$ J) f8 y; c2 H3 D' c
But while we're apartQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 m$ [; R4 U2 b2 A
Don't give your heart to anyone
8 a) X. u' Q9 j$ }- i, f, C  OAnd don't forget who's taking you home同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* b+ k' \4 @9 s$ U
And in whose arms you're gonna be
) W1 h7 @; h% l- W- b1 PQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站So darlin', save the last dance for me
3 l( ?) r  U1 ^5 a7 u" g4 rBaby don't you know I love you so8 K& y6 B6 T3 }4 |" W
Can't you feel it when we touch5 D/ |# H! N% Z, _3 J: V% l# B
I will never never let you go
! Y( [1 q9 ^- F7 ~I love you oh so much$ t! I9 ^( B% r6 W- ]
You can dance3 b) \2 H& T3 T* m0 @6 N
Go and carry on' J' W" [* T, H# Y# M0 n( p1 x  N
Till the night is gone
! ~2 s! ~, g# Qwww.qaf1.orgAnd it's time to go4 y+ ^+ ~' A- d' H7 M0 v1 }% u9 K
If he asks
8 ?! ?; T& i7 B+ H7 }If you're all alone! X* A* F+ d5 m9 C; M4 v
Can he take you home
' J) B+ i8 F5 p6 O# ]You must tell him no
9 `2 k' k1 j6 _Cause don't forget who's taking you home/ F) i4 m" j5 i
And in whose arm's you're gonna be
- v/ P$ B  n: B9 e0 [2 KSo darlin save the last dance for me


7 E: u3 k( j! D8 {* B, x% Q1 b8 R* i

! a8 U' b9 a% i7 \7 Z1 U% d% U/ h7 Z+ ?No More Good Guys---201 ! }) p- W2 ^# r1 y% n

: t4 ]! ~1 D* u$ F$ z8 t7 cwww.qaf1.org同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" B, p4 ?) n9 x8 U2 K  H0 r
I died today,
1 D$ _' p5 y) e8 c% J4 N- v: p- c, Bbut I'm still breathing,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 X/ K. u% U' Y4 d' v
bleeding,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站% p9 h; U9 I$ I
for now,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 t, ^! {$ D1 p. m
I'm broken.
+ A% W& l: _* ]8 M; o
+ a) L- t( @+ X- pYou left me here,) k/ U4 _: e7 e7 p
Capsized and sinking,/ s, A, s& L7 E
thinking, right now,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 M( z1 p9 S. v+ _6 b
there's no more good guys.
& ~. o* L- k* K( {& I" B, mwww.qaf1.org9 Q# V* @* g3 I2 q& K: g
You left me standing here,
/ u# b  c& |" W4 G, F6 O, T0 u9 Galone and colder,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! o* R8 L4 c/ c" G+ z
I hope that some day soon,
% f' q( h% ?# w- k! ~the pain inside will stop.
2 G% p4 ?5 J' W. u. w% M- S1 R1 ywww.qaf1.org
9 a  m$ P& Z  K5 TYou died today,
( ?& [. t; n; ~# k9 e% Dbut you're still breathing,
. H3 E/ l7 H% s5 Z( }+ \0 Sin my mind,; o) w" d1 ^9 I7 b5 ~# x
that is,
5 B5 L: ~0 r! n' Q) cQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站there's no more good guys.
& a" X) u4 T0 a% QQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站: d5 i5 B* L4 X: T9 u
You left me standing here,www.qaf1.org/ F) ~. f* N; D5 o4 r* T
alone and colder,
" ?# F8 L4 s- W: H! I( [  H; G) aI hope that some day soon,
# C% w/ I4 X' }6 f! V; t& b# Z同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志the pain inside will stop  H' Q2 X, N8 y( y" \9 x
I hoped you'd see me,
; F1 A# z! O& {( }/ f0 j; GI hoped you'd understand,; `' \0 s8 q# w& q: c9 [9 k
Or crucify me for my failings,www.qaf1.org/ z* H$ Y2 p+ e: i$ ?. s) [6 O
my cruel ambition,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 `. b. U1 d1 B7 V+ V! Q
hardly justified,: c5 m$ a1 q. {+ w5 A
and the pain inside will ... stop.


5 D! y7 D7 W& h% }* H: |Artist:The Tamperer 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 C+ p8 E/ W# q4 N) r6 W7 J3 m
Song:Can You Feel It同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( f" c# U1 G8 D+ ]& }

0 a* P- F: T& N  mYou got it on the side
  N: H3 S+ B$ e  V/ q" _A little one night thing同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 v0 b+ ~' b. {! \6 ~, {2 M& Z+ o1 H
I've thought it over and this time I will forgive you
: m! x! X" ?( M2 c' r; q$ H同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Well I'm not letting go7 t/ L5 ]$ b- Y# q% p: U" U
But don't forget I know同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  [) N* L: C1 \
You made your bed and she was in it
& H% b8 w$ T4 Y0 e8 p9 r* JNo no noQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( h9 e& Z9 k" w( T
  V& q. x- f. J% G# f1 g
What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; t* K4 O, m1 T2 U; T# o0 Q. {* m
What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 d0 P: N2 ?; B' ]$ o
What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?
( p( ~0 X0 C1 H. \' Q9 WWhat's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?
1 A. M* T% v9 j4 W( m- Z5 R
7 J$ Q/ u( h4 P+ S9 \0 q# z7 b/ gWell I'm not blaming you; J9 a( _& A/ w3 n; n
But she's still hanging roundQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站) L+ ]' F) U3 S# B
And she's so crazy I'll tell you now I just don't trust her
( B9 z/ z) J! xShe thinks she's right on timewww.qaf1.org! ~( _9 l4 G; b+ J4 o
But I think she crossed the line
5 o9 E- A9 ?! `6 s$ a3 iwww.qaf1.orgAnd I'm ready for the lightwww.qaf1.org$ m1 G$ H8 N+ v0 k1 \
I'm ready if it's fighting time
4 ?4 Q5 g/ U0 \! N$ j
) M1 `4 x( }8 i4 P" F. xWhat's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?
+ v  M* @4 |! H1 uQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 d& g  l! l( v* t; c
What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?


101Michael早晨开车到Brian家的时候+ h. W5 b9 z6 ]
Artist:Meg Lee Chin0 j# v, Q0 H: g
Song:Heavy Scene
; {* c3 _+ o$ i: i同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
1 q1 w7 b) u4 M6 d同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Can I run, run, run from a jester with a gun$ @# O$ L! [1 z5 C$ u
Jokes are stupid in the light of never knowing where to run
9 X: z! U8 q& U( N; D. C) M3 {同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Heavy Scenes Yeah0 A5 C) a7 q2 N1 C& {/ l
When I try to smile instead I get bullets in my head
6 p  a- a# Q5 g0 F% h& K同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Drop the bottle , close your eyes and hit the throttle, vocalize
' p- S& X6 O+ L, Y' P8 P$ k2 Jwww.qaf1.orgthis heavy scene yeah,
+ m) Y- N) z, A7 F( i8 \* GEvery night I close my eyes trying not to dramatize,
' Z" z* [+ S/ n! \3 K% Ywww.qaf1.orgbut I'm nervous in my head cuz I don't wanna end up dead' {! Z3 F) g! O. J+ n9 \& `
Heavy scenes5 x2 P5 |% u" z% y
Yeah there's beauty in the deep, still my life is incomplete,& l- c/ `9 t- f% i, o. T% w
Don't wanna be no piece of meat cuz I don't look good in concrete,同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 |' h9 H7 a2 r' h
Heavy scenes yeah0 J% m% y% }, V3 U
And I say "Oh no what you doing?". X' n. m% P( o  m% [+ p! b
Try to run from a bully with a gun well it ain't no fun0 J0 J! g/ K1 l3 l% E
When your time has overrun with heavy scenes
  j5 t) u' n( G% ^www.qaf1.orgOh no what you saying? Egomaniac you're crawling on my back,+ x; \  h7 d) g. S$ I8 f
Need a new plan of attack to escape this cul de sac
  d! y" h% Z6 o" t! v" TI can only watch, I cannot play,www.qaf1.org( I' _: p" J$ l& q, m' b
I can' hardly talk cuz there's nothing to say, so I 'll runwww.qaf1.org5 U) F3 b6 ~' O$ [  ~
Heavy scenes yeah, Oh no, heavy scenes yeah, oh noQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站: z' j+ b2 |. i( y
Tattooed Princes make a fistful of fun like latex love birdies a cookin in the sun同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  |: a, h! W) @/ h& N" r" z/ S
And the half baked mommies with their babies on the beatwww.qaf1.org* v' U& v* B5 n* Z9 h: W& H  a; `
Turn ice cube cool when the candy hits the street
9 z2 {" U1 ^7 a% b$ H% h) @Mirror-eyed shades stalk the planet whisper riddles
0 @9 p* }! }* Q& @同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Jealous one eyed lovers like to fidget while you fiddle,
2 _. ]+ _( C: qQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Then a wall of crumpled nothing tumbles down till you surrender
% K; y$ `  o5 e/ i8 T" d4 }0 JQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站To the cost of making lovers out of princes and pretenders; J# ^1 ?3 R& d
Man made machinery evolves and takes the stage同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 H! V5 g" c3 Y& R& j: E) {
From a cast of bittered thousands gilded, rusted golden cage,+ P4 M8 q! d9 b- j3 z' {
Silver spoonz that lick their bottomz open up the bird's eye view
% ?) I, a' |% b, \) BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站To those short weekend encounters with your paperback guru1 l8 S* R- S$ h! U6 {
Oh no what you doing?www.qaf1.org! ?* e$ E0 i0 q( |
Try to run from a bully with a gun well it ain't no fun
5 n5 Z9 j; p% _/ T% D' C2 dWhen your time has overrun with heavy sceneswww.qaf1.org) P: y7 ~6 ?+ y1 T4 F) @
Oh no what you saying? Egomaniac you're crawling on my back,www.qaf1.org! ^. D2 i  S; h% Q
Need a new plan of attack to escape this cul de sac of heavy scenes,heavy scenes
" H6 D0 _" ~3 s4 P, _Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, yeah同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) c$ w* J: z; E% D5 q1 l
Heavy, heavy scene yeah , Back in black egomainiac,
3 f4 t6 _- r6 O% s  q: w3 owww.qaf1.orgHeavy, heavy scene yeah; a8 _" c% {4 m  W" j
Heavy, heavy scene yeah
/ K: v: w0 L( ~  Q( q0 ]8 H0 ^同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Heavy, heavy scene yeah
5 V8 F$ l! q+ H9 h7 Q/ owww.qaf1.orgEgomaniac you're crawling on my back, need a new plan of attack


6 y3 m/ E) j- E( s6 R. S1 ~2 rwww.qaf1.orgArtist:Robin Black
. J" c+ g3 Q( j% z/ h" A同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Song:More Effeminate Than You
4 m* F, N# S# Jwww.qaf1.org
) y$ X: {5 s3 `+ f5 A; |5 ?4 ^Well I know you love me
- k# N: L6 u+ z, eOr so it would seem
5 \0 Z7 O+ |5 K6 I8 H; g, GBut i've never been a king同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 m1 j- \2 F& T% k) C/ Z! D  Q
I've always been a queen
5 S  V5 P1 A* |; p9 o" H0 R5 O& y9 O; ~0 w  u7 S
And you say you love me
$ K9 _" T' E8 }) X, E0 ^  [! T$ z7 X3 F# q4 mAnd that you'll be true" l# X5 A7 N! |$ R2 w2 p/ s
But how can you love someone% S, g0 P& s* ]
who's more effeminate than you?. a# r8 F  E4 m8 |3 V
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- R5 |1 _* X8 W
I never played soldier
' L: r4 ]  g- E; p, X1 r同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I never played ball% k  P3 f0 B/ u$ j

4 s7 o- C$ R! _, EI'm one of those boys
/ V1 X( v2 j6 d; F9 a( Cwww.qaf1.orgWho played with girls toys
: J  I1 t& {+ h, b" |  b: Jwww.qaf1.orgI'm one of those boys
# Y# ~! d5 t8 L( U$ z; g. s' e
8 u  [; f4 Q# w8 H- e7 x" M% D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Well i know my parents2 U( n! b+ |0 x0 T8 g! T
Would have rathered a girl
* Y- _5 ?" L$ P7 [1 bSaid they gave me dollies
. H" @  U% [/ T2 ?; [www.qaf1.orgSaid they set my hair curls
; U$ T( l2 w5 q: j; ZBut i know they loved me" |" u2 C0 c! m0 m3 C4 ?4 t: X
And just the same同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  r2 N% u2 d4 u7 |& N8 |/ _
So why did they give me an asexual name?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 r) d  [# L6 L0 G1 W, H
www.qaf1.org2 V3 b' N7 q; s
I never got dirtyQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. d. k# J: [9 R4 S
I never played in the mud6 c. _) Y- ?, `! m
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 Z- [( q1 q: L  o6 Z- _
I'm one of those boys# M- V' `  d- x
Who played with girls toys
+ Y0 v6 S( f- {4 p; eQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站I'm one of those boysQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. M. y/ l7 j0 f9 g! ?
I played with the wrong toysQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 @- B- K' l% B0 A
I'm one of those boyswww.qaf1.org# D2 T" K$ g" Q  T7 G
0 y" p7 k( z$ b1 a  ^
Oh baby please don't stop1 D5 S; b, U9 h" J4 n1 S
And please don't be surprised
% c6 P6 v. {5 S8 f9 e; d* n1 i1 ]( I1 `www.qaf1.orgBut i prefer when you're on top, ]2 [1 e3 q' R/ w3 d; b/ G6 F

" {- c" l9 E7 T! }! g' ^# sI'm one of those boys5 {) Y. {) S- p! q5 j& B
Who played with girls toys
* p& w3 Y6 q  J5 Q/ Z( y) S2 w6 K$ WYah i'm one of those boys同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志/ ], S' q4 [+ V# |

( S# Y/ R- ~! T/ m2 jBoys boys boys boys toys toys toys (in background for rest of song)
; c8 ^# Z, _. k! l7 QQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 `* O/ |$ X" e% a6 F. {5 K
I'm one of those boysQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, O' l, p, s% J1 _
Who played with girls toys同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: t8 g% X0 E) e; ]# `) O( ~
I'm one of those boys4 y7 I; o6 F% k' `9 f6 ~0 X7 [, ?4 ^
I played with the wrong toyswww.qaf1.org5 L! t, N& U( z! g9 W& i! l3 M
Yah i'm one of those boys% k2 M* `% D3 X# n/ r
Who played with girls toys5 F# `, X6 C4 L* A# J- J9 u* x
I'm one of those boys


103 Emmett、Brian、Michael在babylon同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) ~) X, |1 M) t* [
Artist:The Kinky Boyz同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志% v3 Z- v9 N# J- s
Song:The Only Way Is Up
! X, I' c- W/ E% ~- F6 \4 {# c" t. [, b' p; ^
We been broken downQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, O" p. o% X* ^  Y- L- r
the lowest turn
6 f& l' @" `9 B/ dand been on the bottom line
3 `7 P, |# b# B6 esure ain't no fun同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 @. h, C8 k2 F  i3 f! W
but if we should be evicted from our homesQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站  Y/ b+ X+ N0 D/ P8 G
we'll just move somewhere else
' Z. F& J1 S  m5 V/ A( R& wQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站and still carry on
: x* _/ ]0 }, q# A8 p& Cwww.qaf1.orgHold on, Hold on, Hold onwww.qaf1.org  K( j* r( z, n; e8 o% t. |

9 E8 u# s( {* q# _Choruswww.qaf1.org9 n2 K0 T: a% E7 y; K& }: [  w# r
The only way is up, baby2 z- c6 a( j) S" f
For you and me, baby
# L' s0 t6 ]3 q3 E0 V/ R3 A- qThe only way is upwww.qaf1.org# Q; V3 e+ T0 {+ w6 a) q
For you and me- \& V/ i) B# M9 [9 |

+ `: o; y- q7 ^# B" u+ Y( d! DQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Now we may not known
+ ~4 c4 s. Q: c$ Z1 z, rWhere our next meal is coming from
& c( G  `2 v9 }Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
4 T& E3 e! o4 N) X- `0 m! V& XBut with you by my side
' Y& z  k: G" }0 m" ]7 D$ ~同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I'll face what is come6 q' s' Q" y7 k- Q
boy, I wanna thank youQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 g" V2 w' F4 E$ i
for loving me this way同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 D2 ]2 F& C+ s2 v# \9 R
things may be a little hard now4 g+ ~* ?; [' t7 d4 M% J' u. o
but we'll find a brighter day( F9 e1 P8 Y% `! T9 X, S
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on" r% J' \" U8 Y/ R- p

3 R% s* {$ L$ L0 d; m7 Zwww.qaf1.orgChorus


105 Brian抱着Gus躺在沙发上
( K* U. i5 F: y6 |! _( m同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Artist:Kinky Boyz feat. Kia
" @; G: ^( M' Ewww.qaf1.orgSong:Sexy Boywww.qaf1.org4 a7 y5 a) c: W- J2 m" }: F- p
www.qaf1.org# e1 s% f5 F4 l: u
Sexy Boy, Sexy Boywww.qaf1.org5 g0 F  C" L7 \" v# g* R! G' A
Sexy Boy, Sexy Boywww.qaf1.org/ ?: P2 A, ^9 |+ p/ H

8 o# l3 X0 I* s$ `4 {$ mOu sont tes heros aux corps d'athletes同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 K+ ?& [/ E; ^1 H
Ou sont tes idoles mal rasees, bien habillees
+ N. X% a0 h3 r. G9 o同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志(Where are your heroes with the bodies of athletes
+ U, Z% c6 [- [4 e: f, Wwww.qaf1.orgWhere are your badly shaven idols, well clothed)
: U8 C! \! r2 Ywww.qaf1.org
  }5 |  v/ Y- [; nQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy + i5 W* q" n* H6 G/ G2 h' g
Dans leurs yeux des dollarsQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站7 P, \4 }. g. m( ~8 J& X. |. r4 u
Dans leurs sourires des diamants
4 ~6 }: L# N6 `7 P- W# AMoi aussi un jour je serai beau comme un dieu . L, H" a' B9 Y% k0 F" i; A& l
(Dollars in their eyes1 @* |" l% [8 t3 X# R8 B
Diamonds in their smilesQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站# ?7 M% @: t* Y* Y
One day, me too, I'll be beautiful as a god)
- b, r; V+ W# R! a  HQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
8 n; y' P6 F" p9 w2 \8 NSexy Boy, Sexy BoyQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站7 V+ a# f; A6 J+ B" [2 N8 n
Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy
7 z( ^8 Z/ s; x% aSexy Boy, Sexy Boywww.qaf1.org, D4 R& ~0 }( ?- T9 O$ w
Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy
% X' l" T0 j" s# q: k
2 E4 Q  ]; L. F5 K$ Q+ XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Ou sont tes heros aux corps d'athleteswww.qaf1.org  F. }4 y/ ?3 \& Y3 Z
Ou sont tes idoles mal rasees, bien habillees同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) v. {2 m: p3 E1 i/ L0 t
(Where are your heroes with the bodies of athletes
$ L. \: @8 q. o! ?+ R, {Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Where are your badly shaven idols, well clothed)www.qaf1.org; D, B& V4 G5 }4 w5 u, ~
4 p, G" x- }2 C" _
Sexy Boy, Sexy Boywww.qaf1.org# a2 {3 W* t  b% V0 [
Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy
; Z" R* v) R  R$ u- d3 d$ O同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy


106 Brian和Michael在Babylon跳舞 ) B6 O0 D& R9 {
) u8 l  d$ ~! W7 T) X( J3 BSong:Dancing Queen
3 r1 k: |+ Z6 H0 o7 B3 m3 j/ J
) ?0 i% ]5 V% W% UQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life6 z) u0 C& }1 {, |
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queenwww.qaf1.org' ~1 B3 N; T, h

; _/ J2 A/ L/ bFriday night and the lights are low( F6 s! B6 o4 ]  U4 @
Looking out for the place to go
7 x' F- L+ h+ \2 o同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
! O! G2 @- j" e2 A3 ywww.qaf1.orgYou come in to look for a Kingwww.qaf1.org' V, W) x4 g) p* h0 y0 V1 R1 O

: H; A( n- Q8 W0 dAnybody could be that guy$ d: B. h. Z& `
Night is young and the music's highwww.qaf1.org9 Q5 n1 W* }: N  E
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
2 h  Y$ R+ Q" r- I# _9 VYou're in the mood for a danceQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 u  j- |. Y5 T  A0 t- f1 c* F/ y
And when you get the chance- B" L* ?" t9 X6 g! y
www.qaf1.org3 f  r" x3 y5 k& [( c" L" s
You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeenQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 z9 _1 F: `6 _8 Z# `: e
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
0 g/ F$ J7 S3 o3 i8 r同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
  b, d9 ~$ E. A" B3 u' vwww.qaf1.orgSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen/ L+ P' M' H& }* T! i2 @8 J

: F/ W" s8 P/ T( Z* dYou're a teaser, you turn 'em onwww.qaf1.org* N6 P& v1 @' Q# x( p
Leave them burning and then you're goneQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ F9 X  P: Z4 P2 H. ?! z
Looking out for another, anyone will do
8 u* K2 G- J6 F- `/ Q: ]# h6 d1 pQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站You're in the mood for a dance
' D/ o' w8 ~, N' n$ ^$ PAnd when you get the chanceQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站: e0 O! F# n3 G; e! J
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志. P1 u$ Y# V9 Y: C( k
You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen3 c$ E  {4 E2 a. X* T2 m  r
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
/ r% W4 [7 t" C: f# R% Twww.qaf1.orgYou can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
) C9 k6 |4 f5 O" z; w$ O9 fSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen


109 Dr. Dave asks Michael to Move In同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志3 s* d6 p- D& {2 {  c3 M! d
Artist:Robert Palmer
: l/ q2 f/ o0 P" nSong:Bad Case Of Loving You+ l# Z3 Q7 B2 N3 n/ [9 D" M9 g
+ Z9 n' s1 M0 L5 ^5 d! {9 f
. \5 |% V& R: z  b* N1 o7 BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
; D. n2 A6 W! G' U0 [Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站A hot summer night, fell like a net
/ m# z  L+ J/ c: r, @7 AI've gotta find my baby yet9 C! |+ C' V7 ?4 {  I0 Q
I need you to soothe my head
' i& h* J1 ?2 f7 V8 x% p$ B- i5 T. aQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Turn my blue heart to red同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* [* z# t3 J  d2 y1 J
0 l+ v* J! m0 L9 [( n% F
9 v3 I# |( W% ]1 X' a5 H! @. ?. tQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Doctor, doctor give me the news
" A5 e: h: J# \I've got a bad case of lovin' you7 {/ I# _2 p# z% u/ C% w' U- C
No pill's gonna cure my ill' N* m3 x7 b' I; `' n7 r
I've got a bad case of lovin' you
1 ?+ O7 D. a) t$ ~; F( ]* Nwww.qaf1.org同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* C8 l4 H- S% e& j; d
A pretty face don't make no pretty heart
  K: D( R$ O2 h$ d# J1 }4 qI learned that buddy, from the start
) G# f* D- g, HYou think I'm cute, a little bit shy0 _" n1 q4 V- {
Momma, I ain't that kind of guywww.qaf1.org0 E1 v  O2 R0 h2 A2 g; @* F
www.qaf1.org5 E- K& J9 R5 l$ b' V4 _# ?/ D
Choruswww.qaf1.org/ b# Y, @) N1 V6 g. P* ~& S
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 H$ r9 b, ^3 H
5 H0 z+ Y' W/ Z' g; L( ~9 G# S% L" G+ [
I know you like it, you like it on top同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# o; ?  N4 [" ?! R: t5 [6 _
Tell me momma are you gonna stop
4 K) Y  U* }8 }+ j& U
7 f7 n- q, {4 @# e: [* ^You had me down, 21 to zip同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( Y8 h% B) C  D) O6 p
Smile of Judas on your lip
2 X9 S2 m6 q# h9 Y2 zShake my fist, knock on wood
/ S, M; `( _- CI've got it bad and I've got it good" X7 k- d" R8 s4 J2 w' Z3 K+ t
1 b! X# @0 @# K, @


111 Boys Walk Down Streetwww.qaf1.org( i5 c0 u1 I. W
Artist:David Bowie同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( }9 s8 z0 q, l! @7 X) v( q" G' h
Song:Boys Keep Swinging
9 C. ^8 S- {) [/ F- twww.qaf1.org1 J; q! H: b# t* c1 |- y5 o
Heaven loves yawww.qaf1.org8 ]+ T5 ?+ x( p% S$ V% z
The clouds part for ya5 C! L1 x6 i0 `1 Y% X( b! _
Nothing stands in your way
' {. B8 U" h+ p: rQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站When you're a boy同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 S/ {( n- H& C3 d& S, C/ u. Y
" i1 i1 q/ b* v
Clothes always fit ya& @* {  i+ [8 F; ?3 W
Life is a pop of the cherry
# Y7 H1 z+ H! ~同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志When you're a boy
6 y6 c- \  p0 i6 s, K* ~# g, {
4 E+ ?9 R! n9 r" q' r! zWhen you're a boy/ ^+ I- ?" }8 g2 h, D& a2 t% ?
You can wear a uniform
+ g! O0 b( A% ]  H& WWhen you're a boy  T! D- K4 }' c, ~; B+ C
Other boys check you out
8 S1 W  t( |) }% t8 X! ]2 VYou get a girl- g, n9 s; P- W, t3 O
These are your favourite things, E" m$ H/ D$ V. m
When you're a boyQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站7 |) v/ e9 D8 }+ D, b, M( n, ~* a

6 m; `3 r2 e! _. s; cQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Boys
. W# u; ?$ w2 kBoys" a0 n$ j1 W1 o! a$ J
Boys keep swinging4 i3 A& ?0 K5 a( z! C4 X9 \
Boys always work it out' y/ M3 |5 J% A2 l. ]
/ ]6 d, D3 `/ ^3 I
Uncage the colours
! X; M0 A& [" L- SUnfurl the flag
4 b/ W' z- E' `# A, ^+ [www.qaf1.orgLuck just kissed you hello
& D  Z  w1 P( p$ FWhen you're a boy
6 u# S# }# R1 R% A4 tQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
; H/ r3 o3 p: _2 _www.qaf1.orgThey'll never clone ya% U' V! K4 n  ~- Z4 Y
You're always first on the line
/ o# w7 n8 ]% L2 xwww.qaf1.orgWhen you're a boy同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, E) @# x* L( x( A- ]$ |
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 F4 Q2 ~+ a+ M. s. L2 _( Z; {8 y- n
When you're a boy
( y9 e+ j  p* T5 @0 U7 J' YQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站You can buy a home of your own
6 o5 L3 m6 L* X) }. Z  N; f' Y( R5 L: S同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志When you're a boy4 c7 B1 Y+ N: O0 L; ^& T$ _
Learn to drive and everything
* h* U# J) c, w. A) s- V# v同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志You'll get your share
# x; ~( N. O6 gWhen you're a boywww.qaf1.org; H, P* k( R  m2 b6 l  f

+ ~+ m/ E+ g5 k: ZQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Boys
3 ]9 f* N) J: Y. Q# j! rBoysQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. J' I* w3 Z& R& D
Boys keep swinging6 P$ s' n; |  Q$ N
Boys always work it out


112 Michael & Dave in Bedroom / Brian in Alley; P+ Z) U3 \7 _) N; J0 [! J3 z
Artist:Tin Star
2 V, b! P( z: M/ FSong:connected Childwww.qaf1.org8 l" T  N# t3 a

7 ~: E% o7 w( g) o7 I+ @同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Love you like no otherwww.qaf1.org0 W4 G9 z5 m. O, }
love you rain or shine同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* I! Z3 o7 P+ H! O" I" n
you could be the one thing that is on my mind
: b: O0 R" G% c% _Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站this could be your last chance同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 L9 ?1 G8 _8 t% N; D7 D. F6 P+ E) K
don't get left behindwww.qaf1.org% V$ e% E% d/ q9 J5 }
phone you at the weekend if I get time
% [2 `* C8 ^0 s6 m7 Q9 Y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  D% D' {( ^( r+ w
she's a disconnected child
8 J. p- o( O0 z% S) K$ Cand she's been on my mind...Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 Y% _. _  B; V# j' D

2 O1 ^) a8 \3 h" Xshe's been leaving lovers同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, p: R2 \/ T* e) g2 i: g" W
don't get left behind
% t, A0 T& O0 x, l) d7 B: q3 `www.qaf1.orgshe'll feel bad tomorrowQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站7 @; E7 C$ k; P: y
that's another time同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志$ M) s4 k, U4 O
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站' J7 Z2 N1 t8 T4 m4 k) M
she's a disconnected childQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" k; L: l& I6 p/ c5 ^. E0 i; O
and she's been on my mind...
+ p' m4 T$ ]5 k, U) O3 Z& P$ n% @$ \/ t' b
let's do this together
# f+ L3 @. W4 yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站I'm sure that it's fine
: r$ y8 L# f# U3 U: e8 Y, M1 hwww.qaf1.orgwe'll feel bad tomorrowwww.qaf1.org, \1 o4 T. q9 Q6 F' ?; Y8 M  q0 t
that's another time
: c4 _7 Y' A# n- a' f同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* }) D& z; D% ]9 N: K
she's a disconnected child
( ?5 s" h9 P8 K4 K  q0 nand I'm feeling...
) m" f5 C% Y3 K5 Vwww.qaf1.orgLow now yeah I've no place to goQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. C5 R4 a1 D$ _4 `6 I( Z
oh what you doing what you doing to me...


114 Emmett/Heather visualizing同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& y7 ^; X6 R2 L0 C8 Z- ?
Artist:Peabo Bryson/Roberta Flack9 y3 Z3 w2 G) Q! Q( {5 w$ j
Song:Tonight, I Celebrate My Love For YouQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站: [& U% w6 r! y& r

. M, Q8 D/ Q6 T: m+ XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Tonight I celebrate my love for you
3 f* n7 U" W. k4 o& N7 l同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志It seems the natural thing to do
8 O/ H$ }! Y; }& O! w+ {Tonight no one's gonna find us同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 V9 e, \/ R9 p( U6 N9 m
We'll leave the world behind us! [' f& G  l* l8 a3 {' X. I" V
When I make love to you5 G4 `6 W- R7 a' J2 B) u
# K* Y' l2 ^  j$ k
Tonight I celebrate my love for you
+ X! F4 Q( S: `, E3 x( P. F3 pwww.qaf1.orgAnd hope that deep inside you'll feel it too
# b2 h2 W* p" z; B" V$ U: o6 hTonight our spirits will be climbing
$ p' l, _" l2 f# M& i4 S! R) ?" l* _To a sky filled up with diamonds
' d% M) I3 c& D) B# M( ~Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站When I make love to you, tonight
9 T% ~+ m. Z+ c! M5 q6 q. [3 D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 @6 t. c* S+ y& D
Tonight I celebrate my love for youQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ J" w+ y( l9 ^3 Q: ?7 }
And that midnight sun is gonna come shining through
7 f$ j6 S! q3 U& `, @1 Q* wTonight there'll be no distance between us
7 W; ~/ E( B; t+ }* n% FWhat I want most to do, is to get close to youwww.qaf1.org: q8 j$ i( @7 A
- f6 g$ u$ \7 V* Y; D, M0 ]$ c
' M9 O% _1 e1 u同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Tonight I celebrate my love for you
: v# S$ H& X2 C3 t( ?( Iwww.qaf1.orgAnd soon this old world will seem brand new
+ H! C! y4 \; h. Y0 l8 @4 l- P( _7 GTonight we will both discover how friends turn into lovers
' D" A  f3 C& J  iWhen I make love to you
, y& ?; r& g; E: \
" o, q6 G% w# S4 iTonight I celebrate my love to you/ z4 W, v- O+ _
And that midnight sun is gonna come shining through
( ?, O+ Z, m, l7 P同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Tonight there'll be no distance between us4 s2 K, d7 A8 H" E, h
What I want most to do, is to get close to you
+ t7 G! G2 e. M4 K. c# LQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Tonight I celebrate my love for you
/ D9 \. U- j8 nTonight


119 Daphne and Justin in his bedroom同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: A: [, }6 u# K* k8 {% e
Artist:Creeper Lagoon
8 r- x/ \! z( u. K1 FSong:Wonderful Love
9 L* @/ ], Q" \" D) n$ d3 `www.qaf1.org  i$ n% @- l$ e( c( v- F
Crash here we go you can face it or erase it
- _" j8 u. P  dwww.qaf1.orgI do believe we can take itwww.qaf1.org. Y6 l# ^$ b" E3 @
And make it a wonderful love1 H" g# Y- G( p. u$ a, p4 g
You can taste it embrace it lovely$ I4 U: j' D. q/ Z; W, W
So sweet to see look after me social with company7 W  P+ @4 q) T# v
Just you and me fall to the ground6 S+ ]& i5 {* E  ~& N
You should wake up and turn up your favorite song) G. |! [/ x5 }- ~$ @: M7 b' |
Let it move you
  [4 H3 }4 P; W5 c! B8 Pwww.qaf1.orgJust walk through breakfast and grace
! d) o7 k( Q4 T: ^# g同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I should unwind its bed time lovely so sweet6 K9 e& S& q/ V, A  L# M
To see look after me social with company
+ j3 ^' V2 ?+ g& U) q1 q, ]: Twww.qaf1.orgJust you and me leaves on the ground
) i% d& c+ h# @$ s- @7 \Then a snow storm my back yard is covered in white
1 F! G5 ^0 g# gCan i hold out its cold out
1 B# M) p) ^5 |同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Lost in the shade
% X7 m6 Y. N7 {: K) ^Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站You've been waiting for sunshine lovely so sweet3 w* k0 U. J* x# S
To see look after me social with company just you and me


119 Brian and Michael Bowl / y, n0 e! M* l$ `) H. @! o* V
Artist:Chemical Brothers7 n; g& O- t& w  `2 H
Song:Let Forever Be9 c( F' s" s2 I$ P; d" i  J

' K# k! F' b8 |, v4 Xwww.qaf1.orgAnd how does it feel like to wake up in the sun?
; q* _3 Y1 d8 D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志And how does it feel like to shine on everyone?' X$ p" k( m4 U* E6 K( X
How does it feel like to let forever be?0 c- @! Y/ U6 z& h

& W8 U0 p3 C" N- UAnd how does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 k) N$ X! r) n& l6 z
Scream my symphony
8 L" e/ k$ ^' w) i) j* q$ |
! a& y* k7 ~! F7 cQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站How does it feel like to sail in on the breeze?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" Z8 \3 T4 n4 F3 V
And how does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8 p: V  R3 d! N! |$ q# m$ L
Scream my symphony
; P( N" m1 |. j! m1 r! U; H
3 f, x( N. ]$ W0 Z" Rwww.qaf1.orgHow does it feel like to make it happening?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站4 p+ i7 H" P6 @. I5 N
And how does it feel like to be with everything?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站) V( ?7 f. r; }8 }3 i
And how does it feel like to let forever be?
5 b% X) ]: i4 V# t' SQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站And how does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?
# E+ \$ m5 l* cQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Scream my symphony) [4 H; ]1 Q& R  C/ `( P7 v
5 k- P7 {/ S/ C' \
How does it feel like to be in christamine?! q; H% U0 [' ^# `& w
And how does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?3 S" w. Y% L! Y% f
Scream my symphony


119结尾 Brian Bowls
+ M8 L1 C6 n9 C8 E: z" zwww.qaf1.orgArtist:Badly Drawn Boy
5 D2 u. w, u; |3 O: G4 |同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Song:The Shining
. o. f( ^* r; W$ D
+ I" S' K! J# G3 [) h8 d# w  XFaith pours from your walls, drowning your callswww.qaf1.org3 \% X0 |9 ~7 B" @
I've tried to hear, you're not nearwww.qaf1.org# h# [  b1 y  P6 X! q
Remembering when I saw your face8 s# w  V2 A% v: G0 R# _& Z2 t
Shining my way, pure timing4 B. V: Q" r# L; C2 n
Now I've fallen in deep, slow silent sleep3 {: G! A+ f) ?: S
it's killing me, I'm dying1 o9 }* s3 T, d' {" ?

- X( c1 e  k1 V% ~  H% c: w( WQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站To put a bit of sunshine in your life
# e& A$ K6 T, y2 I0 [% D: A: j8 L" l
Soliel all over you, warm sun pours over me
+ G( e  U+ x8 P( r- vwww.qaf1.orgSoliel all over you( S# i& H  }$ C) y- o& G! @
Warm sun
7 X+ B( C: ~3 w: ]; a
. h4 [" N$ B& _: BNow this slick fallen rift came like a gift" s) L1 K1 X! O/ `6 {2 d
your body moves ever nearer. X8 u- [6 d& Y3 l* G" e
And you will dry this tearQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 X; _4 R! E: h* L
Now that we're here, and greave for me, not history
* O: l# \6 J7 u# {www.qaf1.orgBut now I'm dry of thoughts, wait for the rain
3 r7 `2 B0 N: N; p7 \# AThen its replaced, sun setting" a& r; ^5 W2 ~3 c$ P! O( L8 k7 ]

) v5 p  m- T* ^0 MQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站And suddenly we're in love with everythingQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; t" W2 l' K; N, Q2 j! Z( [

; R, K1 L3 T* d: P2 u* p同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Soliel all over you, warm sun pours over me
  X' v" @: i1 W0 M  V* B同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Soliel all over you
) J  U. y6 R0 x1 W3 h% E8 @  WWarm sun


122 Brian's private party(就是拿丝巾上吊那个地方。。。)0 m; Q) C( M* y. `' Q; C6 V8 y
Artist:Jack Hylton & His Orchestra" [( z% s8 @2 s, ?& \' B, @( C
Song:Happy Feet (High Heels Mix by BLAM, remixed by PAUL MAC)* ~, j  u7 g* ~0 m% }

" Z. r6 G; F, O/ Z) a同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Happy feet! I've got those hap-hap-happy feet!
# D" T" z1 [5 \5 M- jQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Give them a low-down beatwww.qaf1.org0 @( S3 ]/ k) A& L
And they begin dancing!+ _- r% l' d, d* q
I've got those ten little tip-tap-tapping toes,
" x+ [% ^2 I% }: i+ XWhen they hear a tune* ^4 I3 T% a& M2 p3 Z2 ^
I can't control the dancing, dear,
# q% R0 K- Q/ ETo save my soul!3 ^; A- u! |1 W2 o9 Y7 s

8 y! X, R8 ^& I: ]2 LThose weary blues can't get into my shoes,
  Z! @& A, b1 T6 D  p7 Q% Z0 N( l0 CBecause my shoes refuse
0 k1 E: l( r/ J/ {# s* c) bTo ever grow weary.
3 z# M! ~* s+ W1 M4 z% L$ v1 jI keep cheerful on an earful
9 _, v$ J4 f. O9 J, ^Of music sweet;
6 p8 k2 k/ u; D0 T/ B- [Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Just got those hap-hap-happy feet!


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