[电影] 爱的力量/Crutch [AVI][699M][RAYFILE]

Crutch. 爱的力量 [AVI-699M]
导演: Rob Moretti
主演: Rob Moretti / Eben Gordon / Robert Bray / Jennifer Laine Williams

上映年度: 2004
语言: English
制片国家/地区: US

Based on a the True Life Story of the Director: Set in the suburban middle-class world outside New York City, David's life is seemingly normal, but behind manicured doors lies a dilemma that will tear the family apart. When Jack, David's estranged father, leaves his alcoholic wife Katie, of seventeen years; David is forced to become the parent of hi siblings. With a doting girlfriend to contend with and an alcoholic mother to car for, David is overwhelmed. He is thrust into premature adulthood, and turns, inevitable to the only security he knows. Kenny, a thirty-something has-been actor turned theatre coach, quickly becomes obsessed with David. Struggling with his volatile emotions, Kenny weakens and crosses this taboo boundary. David, vulnerable and confused about his own coming of age, succumbs to Kenny's attractive power and influence leading him to a life of drinking and drugs. Crutch is a captivating and brutally honest look into love, loss, lies and our own dark secrets
上次发的时候没附上截图,管理员大人提醒我整改下帖子先,今天截了图,重新发上来,男主还是满帅的 而且身材不错



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不好意思 中文字幕找不到  以后有找到的话 一定发上来


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