TRUE FAITH  314 celebration同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& @6 K6 K6 d# p9 U! ^; P1 [

( G" X: q$ d3 B1 v; {: hI feel so extraordinaryQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 Z* `8 ]& ]6 ~( r0 O
Something’s got a hold on me
/ N9 t0 @5 ]1 ?' |/ Q3 t/ P. a) uI get this feeling I’m in motion同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# Q" h: w( v9 M7 ^
A sudden sense of libertyQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( S! {( A  e- b
I don’t care ’cause I’m not there
+ p( U' D. }6 W. M' r3 g/ [And I don’t care if I’m here tomorrow
4 r! {, |- s5 L" o3 Awww.qaf1.orgAgain and again I’ve taken too much
" J8 K6 O# r( s3 G同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Of the things that cost you too much
2 Y5 ~& {. k% C) l同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I used to think that the day would never come
" p, l2 T' Q! O0 Y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I’d see delight in the shade of the morning sun
+ g& U3 F0 J  Q1 uMy morning sun is the drug that brings me near
/ E( a% M5 @2 e/ Z, ]To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
1 j" i  {. ~8 I4 v4 F  Ewww.qaf1.orgI used to think that the day would never come) T' r% h% E8 y- T4 z7 m: a
That my life would depend on the morning sun...# m# b4 b: F3 y7 ]' X4 F+ I+ w. ~
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. O: a' i) B* s- D! @! y3 c
When I was a very small boy,
  R$ f( f0 M/ SVery small boys talked to me
: r: w+ l9 A: xwww.qaf1.orgNow that we’ve grown up togetherQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站* k5 N( R/ u! _) @% k$ X6 G5 H
They’re afraid of what they see
! D" q+ g3 U! w- q, m/ T; ]6 B同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志That’s the price that we all pay
  i8 ]) E4 W4 z0 ]8 W( rwww.qaf1.orgOur valued destiny comes to nothing
# F7 F9 o9 B8 d; O& a; C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I can’t tell you where we’re going
/ I0 Q  C% b+ z' ?$ I7 m6 Mwww.qaf1.orgI guess there was just no way of knowing
" q2 Z0 s! }1 x" w. ?0 jI used to think that the day would never comeQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. j% y$ p/ w. d3 u$ Z
I’d see delight in the shade of the morning sun
( l) F( x% q6 j% e% aQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
! j8 {% a7 k5 E; Z, KTo the childhood I lost, replaced by fear: x* b6 j. z9 l2 {. d
I used to think that the day would never come
: b# h3 a$ j5 e( ]4 NQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站That my life would depend on the morning sun...同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志3 C# D  ?) s/ A3 Y
# I' p' B9 v: A) m& F/ i/ k8 k( c
I feel so extraordinary: W( T8 p* m" r4 r
Something’s got a hold on meQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站  B, i' E9 Z& u. x0 J
I get this feeling I’m in motion
) M3 h: t- I" X% M' `+ aA sudden sense of liberty
( U1 b+ |4 q+ {6 e. {9 hwww.qaf1.orgThe chances are we’ve gone too far
2 X& S) U8 @0 j; y6 G0 K9 ~同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志You took my time and you took my money
5 G- U- \8 E- k7 w! b# O& wwww.qaf1.orgNow I fear you’ve left me standing
" j1 Z! K- \. R3 n" N) k* Y" n同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志In a world that’s so demanding
; l# t1 P7 G$ G: eI used to think that the day would never come
. e. t6 c7 w; c6 o7 }& O0 d; G7 v1 ZI’d see delight in the shade of the morning sunQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; `( d0 m2 F5 B# z
My morning sun is the drug that brings me b& x1 w. b, h' }& E* P$ c
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 C$ E% }  l4 X# y) D" {% ^
I used to think that the day would never comewww.qaf1.org8 F1 N9 [9 ~8 X6 C9 Z+ \( l
That my life would depend on the morning sun...


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