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本帖最后由 sandy_6836 于 2010-3-21 15:44 编辑
女主持: 要知道拍电影并不是一件容易的事 尤其是当你同时兼顾编剧 制作人 导演和演员的时候
但是Fay Ann Lee克服了这种种困难 并且做到了
You know it's not easy making a movie
especially when you're the writer, the producer, the director and the actor
But Fay Ann Lee defied all of these and did just that
男主持: 跟我们一起关注电影《爱上格蕾丝》的是Fay和她的合演者Gale Harold
Join us here about her movie. It's called <Falling For Grace>. This is
Fay and her costar Gale Harold, welcome to the show, both of you
Fay: 谢谢 感谢你们的邀请
Thank you, thanks for having us
女主持:Fay 大体地跟我们透露下你是怎么做到的 因为你的学历背景并不是电影制作
So Fay, give us a little synopsis how you did this because your background
is not moviemaking
Fay:是的 我是从在百老汇做演员开始的 在此之前我在Saigon 嗯..主修金融
因此我认为..应该尝试写剧本 就像孩子蹒跚学步的过程? 但就是这样...
No No...I started out as a Broadway actress before that I was in Saigon um I studied finance in school
so after Saigon there were very few roles and televisions and fims for Asian American actress,
so I thought ...well I thought why dont I just try write something, so it's like baby steps along the way? But that's how...yeah
女主持: 是以你自己的生活为原型的吗?
Is this based on your life?
Fay: 不完全是以我的生活为原型 但电影中确实有部分映射
It's not completely based on my life but certain aspacts of my life are in the film
男主持: 为什么你接下了这部剧? Gale Harold在大小银屏上都很火 而且已经从演多年了
Why are you trying to make this movie, Gale Harold is burning it up on the small screen than big screen
you've been acting for a very long time
Gale: 不错 是那样的
A little bit
女主持:还有<绝望主妇>对吗? 还有别的吗?
Yeah, <Desperate Housewives>, right? What are the other great...?
Gale: 一部叫做<同志亦凡人>的剧, 以前在showtime播了很久
A show called <Queer as folk>. It was on the showtime for quite a while
女主持 : 是!
男主持: 不错, 重量级的剧集
Great, that's huge
女主持: Fay, 给我们大体介绍下电影
Fay, give us a little synopsis of the movie
Fay: 好的 这部电影主要讲述一个来自纽约中国城的女孩 一个银行经理 梦想着跻身于纽约上东城
的精英社会 她最终...
Ok, the movie is about a girl from New York Chinatown, a banker who wants more than
anything be part of the upper east side elite-social-like world and she finally...she did...
Gotta see this!
Fay: 她应邀去了一个舞会 她被误认为是一个来自香港的女继承人 因为在场的人都是非富即贵
因此他们认为她也是同类 并且还把她误认成了另外一个人
She gets invited to a party and she gets mistaken as the heir from Hongkong
cos everybody there's rich and famous, so they assume she must be rich and famous
also and they mistake her for somebody else
女主持: cool! 让我们一起欣赏<爱上格蕾丝>片段
That's cool clips! Let's watch Falling from Grace....<Falling For Grace>
Fay: 有个贪便宜的小人
There is a slight leech
Blackman: 什么意思?
What do you mean?
Fay: 他们认为我是别的什么人
They think I am somebody else
Blackman: 什么?
Fay: 他们认为我是Shanghai Tang的Grace Tang
They think I'm Grace Tang of Shanghai Tang
Blackman: 谁?
Fay: 就是那个Grace Tang, 我们的名字一样 他们家在麦迪逊大街上开精品服装店的那个, Shanghai Tang?
This one Grace Tang. We have the same name. Her family owns that boutique
on Madison? Shanghai Tang?
Blackman: 哦,这样 哈哈
男主持:你是个冒名顶替的骗子, 你会融入纽约的 有什么问题么?非常好
You're the imposter, you're gonna fit right in New York. What's the problem?
That's great!
女主持: 你是如何..我知道演员都很棒 你是如何想到将上海..Gale运用到你的电影中的?
How don't you...you have great cast I mean
How did you use...Shanghai, him into the movie?
Fay:嗯 我们有很棒的选角导演, Billy Hopkins最近给Precious挑选演员 他是我们的选角导演 公布了招募电话之后,我们就邀请到了像Gale这么优秀的演员
Well, you know I had great casting director, Billy Hopkins who recently casted Precious,
was our casting director and you know when he puts out a call we get great people like him
女主持: Gale, 你的角色在电影里是怎么样的?
And Gale, where did you fit into this movie?
Gale: 嗯...我有点...什么词形容呢?浪漫的一对? 我们见面时我正计划...
Um well I was sort of that...what the words do you have? The romantic duo here?
we met, I was planning of....
You look a little sick this morning
Gale: 抱歉..我的嗓子有点不舒服..受理一个关于血汗工厂的案子 ...
I'm sorry, my throat's not so right but uh..representing a case about
男主持: 水?
Gale: 非常感谢. 我们相遇,然后相互吸引
Thank you very much and we met, through that in sort of our relationship to Bill
from mutual interest, but there's something about her in this sort of xxxxxxxx and...
女主持: 我们有影片的片段
We have a clip
男主持: 是的 开播
Of you.. roll it
Fay: 当你还是孩子的时候曾经梦想着成为什么人吗?
Do you want to be somebody when you were little?
Gale: 赛车天才手Speed Racer
Speed Racer
Gale:你知道Speed是什么吗? 穿着白色裤子的Speed Racer?他开马赫五号赛车,方向盘上有各种按钮,还有个名叫Trixie的可爱女友?
You know what speed is? Speed Racer with the white pants? He drove
the Mach 5 with the buttons on this steering wheel that hits that really cute girlfriend
named Trixie?
Fay: 不知道...
No?...it's a little....
Did you write that?
Fay: 不是我写的,是他(Gale)写的
I didn't write that, he wrote that
女主持: 这真是...这是哪种电影 每个人为自己写剧本?
That is...what kind of movie is it? everybody is writing their own part?
男主持: 他自己想出来的...因为那个Racer...说出了我的心声, 你成为飞车手的梦想
He just came up with that. Cos that Racer...that's spoken to me, as your vision
of being a racer
Gale: 我只是其中之一...当然...极速飞车手是每个人的梦想
I was one of those...of course...Speed Racer speaks for everyone
女主持: 那么 Fay...
Fay: Gale的工作相当出色,他确实有参与部分影片跟我们共享创意
Gale did a great job because he did certain in propositions that we were keeping
them in the movie and those were always the best parts
女主持: 嗯 那个片段...
Well. In the cut ...
Fay: 是的
The cast...yes
女主持: 好的,这里有 Lewis Black, Christine Baranski, Margaret Chou...
这真是不可思议 我们什么时候能看到公映?
Yeah there were Lewis Black, Christine Baranski, Margaret Chou...
I mean.. this is unbelievable. When can we see it?
Fay: 本周五3月19日在大剧场公映,随后我们还会做Q&A 快来跟我们共享吧 真的很不错
You just see it this Friday March19th. It opens at the bigcinemas on 59th within 2nd and 3rd ave and we gonna do
Q&As there too, so come join us it'll be really fun
What time is that?
Fay: The Q&As?
女主持: Yeah
Fay:周五下午7点还有周六下午4点30 也会有其他演员到场
7o'clock on Friday and 4:30 on Saturday and there'll be other cast members also
男主持:Fay Ann Lee, Gale Harold 非常感谢你们带来的<爱上格蕾丝> 我们3月10日一定观看
Fay Ann Lee, Gale Harold thank you very much the name of this movie's
<Falling For Grace> and we're gonna check it out March 19th
Fay: 好的,一定来
Yeah, please come
女主持: 好的
Yeah all right |