Artist: Cyndi Lauper Lyrics! y2 F  H$ I9 ~9 [- A, ]
Song: Shine Lyrics0 h: v. W2 N8 z
Shine I'll stand by O  X3 p/ _* s7 ?) u$ z3 Y
Don't try and push me away
; [% u) y/ |6 a8 |'cause I'm just gonna stay
" y! Q' u, T. IYou can shine I won't deny youQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ d5 `! {& V% n: X* `/ J" ^( S+ ]
And don't be afraid it'll all be okwww.qaf1.org4 M; V1 Y1 g. h: ]3 G! U( f
8 ^+ S- z& Z8 a. K8 }  X& g
Do you know my name
6 ^  p) d7 l! r, sWell I ain't gonna take that big time line5 i: [' p  g1 t6 l
won't be beat by a lie
8 ]5 j6 Z- w9 h: Z/ V/ g3 o: hwww.qaf1.orgGonna call out to these embers waiting to ignite
) A+ S9 O' b0 {5 |3 O1 l同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Gonna pull you upQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站: n4 g+ W2 k  k9 q3 v, X+ ]
By your love, by your love and tell you
5 h! M. }7 |0 X
& [4 a3 [9 _7 U3 K8 IQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Shine I'll stand by you...Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站) ^. c6 _+ Z( s& }; q: a3 {9 M

8 c. o$ ?/ C" O7 \I can see the frown you wearwww.qaf1.org0 Z& a! v3 C- R3 z& e. t+ ?- V
All around like some faded crown" J2 ]$ k" |. }6 L2 W+ w
Like a watch over wound7 D0 G9 Y! s7 k; l
Gonna call down to this diamond buried underground
* O* W9 c! w" w$ ?. I" |( O$ LGonna pull you up by your love, by your love and tell you& Z! u: X; o3 u" U( t& ?
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 }8 k+ ~7 u0 f& j" j  h$ b% q
When it's said and done9 V# j+ V7 T. @3 v7 t9 m$ `
What you need will come and time won't let m% z" I% k: J# M* g6 u; G
Let you let me waste it this time shine...


原帖由 maple 于 2006-12-6 09:44 发表
3 F& N# f' v. i0 K/ u6 G有没有第五季结尾时BRIAN一个人在台上跳舞时的背景歌曲的歌词呀
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. X  }" J( |" h1 j$ q

' g3 A! W( b  J! t5 n " @6 J# d& c" f1 M% s
Proud Lyrics同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 a& e2 g' v" j- B) m6 K& j
I look into the window of my mind
: \( ]9 r% C  f4 v* ^. v3 XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind
8 g$ \" V9 ^6 c* R- S* M, AI step out of the ordinary
) h: [6 k* c8 d3 V7 yI can feel my soul ascending: i- I9 c! L" s2 T2 r
I am on my way
6 U3 `( N; _4 ?: f) s4 s同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Can't stop me now
8 S& ?: a# H1 }9 y1 Q; J( Q) [Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站And you can do the same  i1 ?" V: C, F1 {7 V; ^

5 o, Q$ w1 H3 X9 xQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站What have you done today to make you feel proud?
; b3 o, b, L* N/ N& @$ f% sIt's never too late to try
# e" \+ P5 d: gWhat have you done today to make you feel proud?7 @% ^$ C+ U5 J* h
You could be so many g6 c/ n8 D1 s' b( m
If you make that break for freedom
$ \3 K9 }0 \5 }+ M; a同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志What have you done today to make you feel proud?! |9 C" M- C2 J& L

7 X3 n1 _5 {4 h1 o) q! c+ l同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Still so many answers I don't know
4 J7 i8 o2 E/ Y, ?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Realise that to question is how we grow% e. S. E6 s/ F8 z
So I step out of the ordinary
- s) y  v5 s. w9 dI can feel my soul ascendingQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 I* q# V8 o- M! N
I am on my way
, x9 U" s& a4 I+ X% b5 o6 `( MCan't stop me now
' f. g& V# B0 PQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站And you can do the same同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- D& |$ t3 ^' m/ q1 w

8 Y7 p* ^9 f4 Z, J8 m6 bWhat have you done today to make you feel proud?
; h) p7 |6 K; kIt's never too late to try同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志! |# _1 }- V0 e  o: F9 W# B" Z6 f5 o
What have you done today to make you feel proud?www.qaf1.org2 m- R! ?# z. c. e. C
You could be so many people
& k8 u# r  ^( r+ Y: ], @* q; I! c3 k同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志If you make that break for freedom6 Q- F( V/ P. q7 [
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
& F6 F! n0 j2 L9 e# yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
* ~. Q3 c% v. awww.qaf1.orgWe need a change
& `) d7 k4 B( P% \$ u- P( PDo it today
8 e. d+ X, p) _% |) j( y! r6 tI can feel my spirit rising
; G2 s, r7 \* a7 ^0 ]同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志We need a change
9 K$ E! e8 \9 oQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站So do it today6 Z# F; l5 ~% c* r0 A- X4 _% t* b8 n# \
'Cause I can see a clear horizonQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; f+ m4 u# W5 ?: w4 d& ?+ o
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 z3 U1 i9 d, `3 G- a
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
9 J6 n6 I, B. [. I9 ]So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
1 p" T" E' |) s# `4 [5 W$ D4 {" @Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站'Cause you could be so many peopleQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站# F0 s4 Z$ y8 Q
If you make that break for freedom
+ g, Q8 Z4 y% \) lSo what have you done today to make you feel proud?1 }5 V. A! I2 B( ~2 S
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
" x0 c. W( S  E( n8 IWhat have you done today
& B1 Z5 g* s& {/ c( W' A+ FYou could be so many people?
* K, ^+ `$ y2 y! n: ^: F$ i+ \Just make that break for freedom' o; K9 N7 A! p8 x
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?


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