[电影] 男孩生活 4/Boys Life 4 [avi][667M][ctdisk]

    Bumping Heads ——相逢恨晚(时长:17分钟,导演:Brian Sloan,推荐指数:2星半)
    拥趸颇多的老牌影星Craig Chester 扮演一位中年男子,在一次派对上毫无预料地迷恋上一个醉酒的帅小伙。老实讲,作为开篇短片,这一出其实还算凑合。尽管Craig Chester跟导演Brian Sloan都以才华出众而享誉演艺界,但眼巴巴的观众还是希望以后两人的合作还是别那么墨守成规。我们期待惊喜。
    L.T.R.——地久天长(时长:16分钟,导演:Phillip J. Bartell,推荐指数:3星)

    O Beautiful——俊俏小生(时长:29分钟,导演:Alan Brown,推荐指数:4星)

    This Car Up——异曲同工(时长:16分钟,导演:Eric Mueller,推荐指数:5星)
 Bumping Heads ( US,2002,17 min ,Brian Sloan) 2 1/2 stars

  Gay film favorite Craig Chester plays a middle-aged gay man who must have been unconscious to fall for a dizzy young fox he met at a party。 This was our least favorite film on the collection。 As both actor Craig Chester and director Brian Sloan are both quite talented we hope they move onto less mannered work in the future。

  L.T.R. ( US,2002,16 min ,Phillip J Bartell) 3 stars

  This mockumentary dares to explore the maturity and commitment that today's queer youth are all about。 It follows two boys through the duration of a "lengthy" two-week relationship。 With the current reality TV trend,this fun entry places two cute boys under the scrutiny of the camera and the camera man。

  O' Beautiful (US,2002,29 min ,Alan Brown) 4 stars

  A midnight conversation between a gay teen who has just been bashed and the all-American Christian jock who offers him comfort is the focus of this smartly directed splitscreen narrative。 This one's a close second。 A truly terrific short film with outstanding young actors who manage to display some serious chops in only a half hour。

 This Car Up ( US,2002,16 min ,Eric Mueller) 4 stars

  Did you ever wonder about those hot,rough-looking bike messenger boys? We found one that really delivers。 A radical and really quite amazing film that uses four frames to deliver a story of glances and inner thoughts。 Our favorite in the collection is original,witty and sexy。




too late to die young

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