本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-19 11:21 编辑

'Secret Circle': Gale Harold takes us inside the mind of Charles Meade
原文地址: http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/10/1 ... rold-charles-meade/

Gale深度解读了Charles这个角色,其中也提到了Brian Kinney。最后一个问题是关于Gale自身发展的,Gale的回答很值得一看。

With a full season pickup, the stars of The Secret Circle, The CW's increasingly spooky multigenerational witch drama from Kevin Williamson and Andrew Miller, will have to get used to having a vague, but interesting, conversation about the show's central mystery: What evil came to the town of Chance Harbor 16 years ago and caused a body count? If it was drawn by the power of a secret circle of young witches, does that mean two parents (Gale Harold and Natasha Henstridge), who've schemed to get their children to form a new circle, know what danger they're putting them in? Why is it worth it to them? Do they simply want to get back the power they themselves were stripped of, or is it something different? Luckily, Harold, who plays the deliciously devilish Charles Meade, has already mastered that art.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: All roles require actors to have faith in producers, but, I imagine, when you're signing on for a character like Charles, even more so.
GALE HAROLD: In terms of faith, it was not knowing which way [Charles] was gonna go. Was my character gonna lose his mind? Was he going to become overcome by some really intense force of power that he couldn't control? He's got this ongoing thing with Dawn [Henstridge], and there seems to be a level of, I don't want to call it exploitation, but there is some sort of power struggle that seems to be slightly based on a fear that he has of her somehow. Either he's afraid of what she can do to him, or he needs her more than he thinks he needs himself. That's what I've been playing with.

Charles told his daughter Diana that he was dating Dawn to explain why they were spending so much time together. Charles seemed more okay with that lie than Dawn did when he told her about it. Should we read into that? Will it be addressed again?
I don't know. The way that scene played to me, it's sort of like Charles is just trying to cover his tracks, and the thing that made the most sense was to use that as the reason — there's something going on between the two of them. He was kinda caught. Diana called him out. I think in his mind, there's wishful thinking. That's one of the things I really like, him having to react on the spot and just make it up as he goes along. It's one of those moments where your excuse makes it worse. [Laughs] Now Diana has all these expectations.

Charles has said he hasn't been in a relationship since Diana's mother died 16 years ago. Is that the truth? We've seen the kids getting some action on the show. Will Charles?
Well, you get that idea based on the one conversation you see Charles and Diana have about this. But who knows? His daughter has to go to sleep and then get up and go to school during the day. Just like you don't know what your kids are doing, you don't know what your parents are doing. Who knows what's going on? I think he is lonely, and I think it's difficult for him because as Diana gets older, she really reminds him of the fact that his wife is gone. That's a really painful echo.

What do you think Charles does during the day? He's a lawyer, so there's presumably some real work to do.
If I were to think about what I'd be doing if I was in his situation, I would be constantly turning over these ideas in my head, looking around every corner, always looking over my shoulder. And at the same time, I think that he's probably studying on some level, trying to make sure that he understands what it is that he's got to do because part of the world of witchcraft is very ritualistic. You have to know your lines, you know. You have to know the method by which you get what you're trying to get. It seems to me it doesn't come easy, especially for these characters because they've been so removed from it. They're trying to find their way back in, so I think there's probably some resistance.

With a show like this, where this is a mythology you’re not privy to, are you able to suggest things for the character or do you have to just react to what’s on the page?
It's a combination. Along with the character, you have to start to develop an ongoing persona and some belief system so that whatever you're reacting to is not just, I burned my hand. It's like, why is this cup so f-ing hot? There must be a reason. It must be someone else's to hold, or it's something that I did wrong and now I'm paying a price for it. I try to bring what I feel is his paranoia. I feel like there's an opportunity to really explore paranoia and fear and suspicion because he's in a very dangerous place. I'm not sure if that's where it's going, that's what I'm holding in my head to keep me connected to it. The first thing you saw this guy to is walk up to someone's else and burn it down. He's not necessarily gonna get away with that.

That was a great introduction to the character. Is there any chance we're overestimating, from that, how evil Charles will be? Or does he continue to produce great moments like that one as the season continues?
I think there are definitely things that are dark. They are not simply the action of murder or revenge. There are other things going on, which for me keeps it interesting. If I were playing a full-blown psychopath or a serial killer, it’s not interesting for me to just do the deed without some sort of threat of it falling apart.

It's interesting to hear you talk about Charles' vulnerability. I hadn't really thought of him that way.
Stay tuned. It's coming. I'll put it this way, and I say this with great respect for parents because I haven't had that responsibility: If you have children, and you destroy someone's parent and leave their child vulnerable and alone, there's no way that that doesn't have a very intense and painful effect on you. Charles can't look at his own daughter without being quite aware that there's another daughter just across town who has lost her mother and it's because I set her house on fire and burned it down. [Laughs] Vulnerability is built-in. There's one way to play the character where it just doesn't bother him, but that doesn't interest me at all. Then he's just a robot.

Everyone loves how "creepy" you can be. Are you ever asked to tone it down on this show?
There's always that part of it. What you see and what was done is hopefully very different things. It's not always the case, but it's a good thing to go big early so that you can pull it back, and then you get something that's full of the intention, the power, and the energy of what you're trying to do without being too big. You can always be pulled back, but if you don't go big in the first place, there's really nothing to work with. And when I say big, it could just be increments of very subtle things. It hasn't happened a lot because for Charles, he has to be really, really contained. because, like I said before, everything he does is a potential giveaway. He doesn't know who knows what he's up to … For instance, my character on Queer As Folk, he kind of invaded every room, whereas Charles is much more on the peripheral. He's more of a looker. He's like a spy as opposed to [Laughs] the barnstormer that Brian Kinney was.
(说BK像破坏王咧{:3_153:} )

Looking at the show in general, I felt like last week's episode with the demon showed how freaky, disturbing, and dangerous things could be for the new circle, and I loved it. Will that direction continue?
I would assume that's where we're going. It's interesting to me because there's witchcraft, but then there's the supernatural side of it were you're now interacting with other forces and the dynamics those forces occupy, whether it's possession or if it's some sort of anthropomorphic thing, some power taking over an animal or reinventing itself to appear to be animal. Now that those doors are open, certainly it's gonna go down that line. I'm kinda not totally aware of where that story line is going to go. I think it's going to be a slow introduction to the bigger world around the show in general, like hidden doors.

What I took away from last week's episode is that whenever witches bind the circle, the power draws some kind of evil to them. If demons come, and are those demons the evil or the minions of a bigger bad? Is there anything you can tease about that?
I think it's a good question. It's what I was trying to get at before. Once you open the door, what is behind it? And how does what is behind it either come out or suck you through? There's the traditional idea of good witches and bad witches. But on the other hand, if you stir up the pot, you don't know what you're gonna release. The question you asked is interesting: Are those just minions or are those competing powers? Is it some sort of ongoing power struggle: Now that one side is awake, the other side has to wake up and keep them under control?

Do you know any of these answers?
I've had some clues.

That you want to share now.
There’s a man who turns into a squirrel… and then sings a song.


It didn't sound like the show, and yet, it sounded kinda awesome.
It's kinda like a Woody Woodpecker moment. That would scare the s- out of me if a woodpecker started talking to me as I was walking through the woods.

Okay, give me something real.
For instance, with Cassie's character, what's disturbing is this woman has been forced into a twisted situation where she has to figure out a way to survive. Not just how to go back to her grandmother's house and start to learn how to live in a new town without her mother who she's lost and meeting new people and trying to make friends. That's hard to do for anyone, but then on top of that, there's all these strange things that are going on around her all the time. The more she learns and tries to deal with it, the worse it becomes. On the other hand, what Charles and Dawn have going on becomes progressively unpleasant because the stakes just keep getting ratcheted up. It's something that Charles has to struggle with: the more that his daughter tries to understand what's going on, it not only puts him in a dangerous situation but he's also got to be very fearful about what happens to her. Is she gonna get hurt? Is she gonna get killed? Within those questions, I know that some very bad things are gonna happen.

It is interesting: Both Charles and Diana have reasons to want to keep their knowledge of what's going on a secret from one another, but at some point, if you know your daughter is in danger, you should want to step in if you don't actually want her to die.
That's one of the aspects that's very interesting to me. There is a definite trap there. It's kind of difficult for him to make a move in any direction because 99 percent of the results are bad, dangerous, and/or equal or just disgusting.

What's the deal with that crystal that Dawn and Charles have? It sounds like it only has so much power and they have to ration it.
Well, it seems to me just a part of the dynamic of the circle. It's like an amulet. They're animated by nearness to others like them. That's one of the interesting things about the story: You have all this inherent power, potential power, but it doesn't work unless people are in the same place, at the same time, and communicate with each other.

That was a nice twist, that strength only comes in numbers when you bind the circle. Do you think we'll meet anyone else from Dawn and Charles' circle?
I don't know. There's the history, some of which has been explained, some of it hasn't. Certainly they lost someone or some people. Whether they're gone forever or not, I don't know. In an odd way, they need to reactivate the circle of their children to bring back the power they never got their hands on. Once the kids have got it together and can actually use it, how are they gonna be kept under control? I don't see how that's going to be possible. [Laughs]

Last question: I just wanted to talk about your career in general. You remind me of someone like Timothy Olyphant, who fans love, but it seems some in Hollywood haven't quite figured out. How do you navigate your career? It's a big question, I know.
我想问问关于你的事业。你让我想起Timothy Olyphant,他的粉丝都很拥护他,但在好莱坞他的发展不算很主流。你是怎样发展你自己的事业的呢?我知道这是个很宽的问题。

It's a huge question, because you have your creative desires and what you want to do, and you have your heroes, and you have the dreams that you want to live while you have a chance on this planet before it's all over. It's really sometimes overwhelming to try to balance that with just day-to-day getting along and paying your bills. Sometimes that becomes as powerful as your dream of being [Laughs] Lawrence of Arabia, you know. But on the other hand, I've been very fortunate. I've had a very interesting and fulfilling life doing this so far. I really feel like I've only just gotten my feet wet and would love to go much, much further. That's another tricky thing: Not getting so over-anxious before your ship comes in, or the one that you think you're dreaming comes in. [Laughs] All actors, on the one hand, you're lucky to be working. On the other hand, sometimes you get antsy. You want to dance in a different house, but you kinda have to bide your time.
这是个很宽的问题。因为(作为演员)你会有创作的意愿和自己想做的事,你会有自己的偶像,还有自己想完成的梦想;而你的时间是有限的,机遇是偶然的。有时候你要把握好这个平衡,去过好每一天,承担自己的生活。有时候这个梦想会强大到影响你的生活(笑)像<Lawrence of Arabia>描写的那样。一方面,我觉得自己很幸运。我这条路上走得很有趣和很有成就感。我真的感觉到我只是小试牛刀,我还想走更远更远。棘手的是你不能在等待(适合自己的角色)的时候太着急和焦躁。所有演员,有工作的时候都是幸运的。另一方面,有时你会变得着急,你想在不同的舞台上表演,但你需要等待时机。


可以看出Gale很用心地回答了每一个问题。包括对Charles的看法,对整部电视剧的看法和自身的发展。虽然Charles不是主角,但Gale依然为这个角色设想了很多,例如身为人父怎样保护自己的女儿,作为长辈巫师怎样处理危机。可见Gale一直如他说的那样,尊重和爱护自己的每一个角色:"You have to like your character, because if you don't, no one else will either."
近年来对于Gale的作品会有些质疑之声,把它们来跟Brian Kinney作比较。要知道遇上一个适合自己并相辅相成大放异彩的角色是很难很难的,其中包含很多机遇和运气。Gale本人也非常明白这一点并一直心怀感激。从访问中可以见到Gale的心态也是很平和,韬光养晦,过好每一天。



本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-1 00:58 编辑



第3集Gale/Charles剪辑下载 QQ邮箱: 用户名galeharold0710/密码happy42bday,进入文件中转站下载(请勿更改密码或删除文件)


回复 364# zhuanyong20101


本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-5 17:24 编辑


http://www.ksitetv.com/8377/the- ... -title-description/
Completely unaware of the new danger encroaching on their children, Dawn (Natasha Henstridge) joins Charles (Gale Harold) aboard his boat to further their plans for the Circle, but is surprised to find that Charles may have more than business on his mind.



消息来源: http://www.vancouversun.com/Dinn ... /5487916/story.html
Attendees enjoying food, free drinks and music, while burlesque performances included Pakistan-born Zara Durrani, the Life & Style With Zara cultural-interview TV-series host, and Queer as Folk principal actor Gale Harold.

可能由于要拍摄TSC,Gale并没有参加今年的GLEH花园派对,今年的派对Scott Peter Michelle和Robert都有参加:(图片自上而下是2011年、2010年和2009年的GLEH花园派对QAF成员合照)


我好愛Gale穿V領衫 看到這麼性感的Gale 消除了今天工作遇到的GGYY人事物
今晚希望夢見Gale{:5_35 ...
hpl 发表于 2011-10-5 21:36

Gale如果兼职当圣诞老人每晚跑大家的梦境一遍 这样也不错XD


那个国际电影节和什么花园派对为什么都没有randy 啊?每年都没有?
sunnywym 发表于 2011-10-5 22:38

回复 373# sunnywym
Randy整个9,10月一直在华盛顿忙舞台剧<The Habit of Art>,这个舞台剧加演到十月底了;温哥华国际电影节在温哥华,Gale在温哥华拍摄TSC顺便就可以参加了;花园派对在洛杉矶举行,Scott他们平时就在洛杉矶工作和生活,没有出差工作的时候能支持一下Gay & Lesbian Center的活动他们也很热心


THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST! (投票时间2011.10.25-30)

本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-25 16:05 编辑

THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST! Pick the hunkiest doctor, crime solver, funny guy, non-human, reality host right HERE!

活动地址: http://jimhalterman.com/news/the ... n-human-right-here/

Gale Harold always seem to earn a spot on any TV hunk list. Will he make this one? That's up to YOU!

继刚送出5张Gale亲笔签名照(上图)后,Jim Halterman在自己的网站上搞了一个终极帅哥投票(THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST),投票日期截止日为美国时间2011年10月30日晚上12点(北京时间31号下午3点)。



1.        喜剧类: Laughing 'Til It Hurts: (The Comedy Hunk)
2.        戏剧类: Wearing My Heart On My Sleeve (The Drama Hunk):
3.        探案类: Is That A Gun In Your Pocket or…. (The Crime Fighting Hunk):
4.        火星类: I Kinda Sorta Look Human (The Non-Human Hunk):
5.        美剧新脸孔: New Kid On The Block (The New Hunk):
6.        科幻类: A Galaxy Far, Far Away (The Sci-Fi Hunk):
7.        医学类: Doctor! Doctor! (The Medical Hunk):
8.        日间剧集类: Like Sands Through The Hour Glass (The Daytime Hunk):
9.        同志类: I'm Super, Thanks For Asking (The Gay Hunk):
10.        真人秀类: So You Think You Can Host? (The Reality TV Hunk):
11.        坏男孩类: Twisting The Knife And Lovin' It (The Villainous Hunk): (Gale正在演出的<The Secret Circle>Charles一角属于此类)
12.        最多帅哥的电视剧(正在播出): Smoldering All Around (The Hunkiest Show On TV):
13.        宇宙无敌通杀型帅哥: Favorite All-Time Hunk: (史上所有美剧里出现过的男演员都可以)

如果对以上分类不是很清楚的话,可以看英文原文有解释及举例: http://jimhalterman.com/news/the ... &utm_medium=twitter

1. 所填入的演员必须在一部正在播出的美剧中出现,不包含已宣布取消或被砍掉的剧集。
2. 如果同一演员在不同类型的美剧中演出(必须是正在连载中的美剧),可以在不同类型剧集中输入同一个演员的名字。
3. 每天一个电邮地址只能投票一次。
4. 投票方式: 发电邮至jim@jimhalterman.com,只有通过电邮发出的投票才有效,欢迎发布及分享此投票。投票截止日为美国时间2011年10月30日晚上12点。



发送至: jim@jimhalterman.com



Hi Jim,
Please find my vote for THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST below:

1.        Laughing 'Til It Hurts: (The Comedy Hunk):
2.        Wearing My Heart On My Sleeve (The Drama Hunk):
3.        Is That A Gun In Your Pocket or…. (The Crime Fighting Hunk):
4.        I Kinda Sorta Look Human (The Non-Human Hunk):
5.        New Kid On The Block (The New Hunk):
6.        A Galaxy Far, Far Away (The Sci-Fi Hunk):
7.        Doctor! Doctor! (The Medical Hunk):
8.        Like Sands Through The Hour Glass (The Daytime Hunk):
9.        I'm Super, Thanks For Asking (The Gay Hunk):
10.        So You Think You Can Host? (The Reality TV Hunk):
11.        Twisting The Knife And Lovin’ It (The Villainous Hunk): Gale Harold
12.        Smoldering All Around (The Hunkiest Show On TV): The Secret Circle
13.        Favorite All-Time Hunk: Gale Harold/Randy Harrison/ … (写上自己的心水,记得是只填一个人的哈)



结果将于下星期公布! :s40


他還是很帥呀.氣場強大.................( 比裡面任何一個雄性生物都帥)

gale 已經成名10年  算比很多人都好了
sky1111 发表于 2011-10-7 10:40

嗯 在好莱坞这个年纪的男演员能接触到的剧本其实是最能发挥的,再加上Gale那和年龄毫不相称的外表,咳咳{:3_153:}
不过呢也有人是喜欢teen drama里面那种teenager的,萝卜青菜各有所爱,拿起遥控器看自己想看的就是了


回复 387# 第七天99
oh对滴...第四集没有Charles Meade童鞋~~


回复 390# hpl


Charles Meade大巫师要念咒施法了{:3_254:} 不知道大巫师第一句念的是啥


回复 392# gulinara


CW宣布全季续订<The Secret Circle>- 在之前预订13集的基础上,CW决定对包括TSC在内的三部秋季新剧各追加9集。也就是说TSC第一季将增加至22集。

相关消息:http://www.ksitetv.com/8902/the- ... r-full-seasons-too/

今晚播出的TSC第5集有Charles Meade大巫师噢{:3_279:}


回复 404# sky1111
哇看来这一集虽然有Charles,可是大家还是看得不是很爽呃...我大概能猜到什么回事= =不过还是等看完第5集再回来讨论

回复 405# hpl


本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-15 14:37 编辑

回复 411# sky1111
忽然想起林夕的歌词: 在有生之年能遇见你,竟花光所有运气 {:3_199:}




回复 414# sky1111
PS 听说Nick是原著中很受欢迎的一个角色,编剧这样把他咔嚓掉了...是要把原著粉丝都赶走么........



Gale深度解读了Charles这个角色,其中也提到了Brian Kinney。
全文选译(第15页351楼): https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread.php?tid=140023&page=15

Last question: I just wanted to talk about your career in general. You remind me of someone like Timothy Olyphant, who fans love, but it seems some in Hollywood haven't quite figured out. How do you navigate your career? It's a big question, I know.
我想问问关于你的事业。你让我想起Timothy Olyphant,他的粉丝都很拥护他,但在好莱坞他的发展不算很主流。你是怎样发展你自己的事业的呢?我知道这是个很宽的问题。

It's a huge question, because you have your creative desires and what you want to do, and you have your heroes, and you have the dreams that you want to live while you have a chance on this planet before it's all over. It's really sometimes overwhelming to try to balance that with just day-to-day getting along and paying your bills. Sometimes that becomes as powerful as your dream of being [Laughs] Lawrence of Arabia, you know. But on the other hand, I've been very fortunate. I've had a very interesting and fulfilling life doing this so far. I really feel like I've only just gotten my feet wet and would love to go much, much further. That's another tricky thing: Not getting so over-anxious before your ship comes in, or the one that you think you're dreaming comes in. [Laughs] All actors, on the one hand, you're lucky to be working. On the other hand, sometimes you get antsy. You want to dance in a different house, but you kinda have to bide your time.
这是个很宽的问题。因为(作为演员)你会有创作的意愿和自己想做的事,你会有自己的偶像,还有自己想完成的梦想;而你的时间是有限的,机遇是偶然的。有时候你要把握好这个平衡,去过好每一天,承担自己的生活。有时候这个梦想会强大到影响你的生活(笑)像<Lawrence of Arabia>描写的那样。一方面,我觉得自己很幸运。我这条路上走得很有趣和很有成就感。我真的感觉到我只是小试牛刀,我还想走更远更远。棘手的是你不能在等待(适合自己的角色)的时候太着急和焦躁。所有演员,有工作的时候都是幸运的。另一方面,有时你会变得着急,你想在不同的舞台上表演,但你需要等待时机。


可以看出Gale很用心地回答了每一个问题。包括对Charles的看法,对整部电视剧的看法和自身的发展。虽然Charles不是主角,但Gale依然为这个角色设想了很多,例如身为人父怎样保护自己的女儿,作为长辈巫师怎样处理危机。可见Gale一直如他说的那样,尊重和爱护自己的每一个角色:"You have to like your character, because if you don't, no one else will either."
近年来对于Gale的作品会有些质疑之声,把它们来跟Brian Kinney作比较。要知道遇上一个适合自己并相辅相成大放异彩的角色是很难很难的,其中包含很多机遇和运气。Gale本人也非常明白这一点并一直心怀感激。从访问中可以见到Gale的心态也是很平和,韬光养晦,过好每一天。



  • hpl

  • sandy_6836


本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-22 14:47 编辑

回复 425# sky1111
嗯 听说这几集会Charles会表现出忧伤的一面,而且他和Dawn的合作关系也会产生变化
看完再来评论 先加在首页~~{:3_245:}

原文地址: http://www.jointhesecretcircle.c ... -and-charles-meade/

Exclusive Interview with a Manwitch: Gale Harold on Magic, Evil and Charles Meade!

In Slither, Charles Meade did a very bad thing, drowning our beloved Nick (RIP Nick!) to kill the demon riding his body like a Mazda. We were shocked that Nick died but not surprised Charles did the killing - after all, he did torch Cassie's mom. But then Diana's dad shocked us by feeling some serious remorse over killing Nick - isn't this guy supposed to be super evil?

We decided to ask the man behind the manwitch, Gale Harold! Read on for our exclusive interview about evil, magic, and if he's on Team Vampire or Team Werewolf!

Alloy Entertainment: What episode are you filming?
Gale Harold: We're just finishing up number 7.

AE: How is it going so far?
GH: I hope it's going extremely well. I haven't been up to Vancouver for a few days.

AE: What's been the most exciting thing for you so far?
GH: Trying to figure out what it is that Charles Meade is trying to do and why he thinks he can get away with it.

AE: Can you give us any hints as to things he'll get away it?
GH: Not because I don't want to reveal anything, but what Charles is up to—whether he knows it yet or not—he can't really get away with it. Right? He can hide it, or you can divert attention away from it, but I don't think he can really get away it.

AE: What attracted you to this role?
GH: I think that's basically it. It's trying to maintain two states of mind simultaneously for yourself and for the people that are around you.

AE: Would you say that your character is the most evil on the show?
GH: Evil is not really something that I think about too much with him. It's much more interesting to me is not necessarily what is evil?…I think getting caught up in whether he's evil or not is an abstraction.

AE: How did you prep for the audition? Did you do any outside research, read the book, watch The Vampire Diaries, etc?
GH: No, I didn't. I tried to go with more baseline proof. What do people do when they're in these sorts of situations? And try and [give] my take on it. I think it's much more interesting to see those kinds of things come alive in front of you, as opposed to watch someone go by the numbers and shooting all the points, right?…it definitely has its own anatomy. That's the word that I can use right now. The size of it, you know. There's a million ways to play a scene, right. There's a million ways to tell a story. When you start talking about the overlay of something that already exists, it's like, you have to make it seem like it's happening in that moment. You can't go back in time.

AE: Has the show made you believe more in magic or supernatural things?
GH: That's a tricky question, because I don't want to step on the toes of a group of people who really believe this. I don't know. It's a mystery to me. I think, in respect to them, it has to remain one. And see how well you can tell the story. That to me is much more magical than anything.

AE: If you could have a magic power, what would it be?
GH: The power not to overthink everything and just be really alive. That's actually a power. Maybe in addition to that, mind reading is very seductive. (Laughs.) I don't really know if I'd want to be able to read minds. I might be able to enjoy making people think things and knowing what they're thinking before they think it. But I wouldn't want to know what they're thinking already.

AE: Have you seen any The Vampire Diaries episodes?
GH: I have. Yeah.

AE: Do you have a favorite team? Werewolf, vampire?
GH: You can't pick favorites. That's always dangerous.

What do you think? Is Charles totally evil or not? Is Gale Harold totally dreamy? Of course!



本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-25 16:06 编辑

THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST! Pick the hunkiest doctor, crime solver, funny guy, non-human, reality host right HERE!
活动地址: http://jimhalterman.com/news/the ... n-human-right-here/

Gale Harold always seem to earn a spot on any TV hunk list. Will he make this one? That's up to YOU!

继刚送出5张Gale亲笔签名照(上图)后,Jim Halterman在自己的网站上搞了一个终极帅哥投票(THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST),投票日期截止日为美国时间2011年10月30日晚上12点(北京时间31号下午3点)。



1.        喜剧类: Laughing 'Til It Hurts: (The Comedy Hunk)
2.        戏剧类: Wearing My Heart On My Sleeve (The Drama Hunk):
3.        探案类: Is That A Gun In Your Pocket or…. (The Crime Fighting Hunk):
4.        火星类: I Kinda Sorta Look Human (The Non-Human Hunk):
5.        美剧新脸孔: New Kid On The Block (The New Hunk):
6.        科幻类: A Galaxy Far, Far Away (The Sci-Fi Hunk):
7.        医学类: Doctor! Doctor! (The Medical Hunk):
8.        日间剧集类: Like Sands Through The Hour Glass (The Daytime Hunk):
9.        同志类: I'm Super, Thanks For Asking (The Gay Hunk):
10.        真人秀类: So You Think You Can Host? (The Reality TV Hunk):
11.        坏男孩类: Twisting The Knife And Lovin' It (The Villainous Hunk): (Gale正在演出的<The Secret Circle>Charles一角属于此类)
12.        最多帅哥的电视剧(正在播出): Smoldering All Around (The Hunkiest Show On TV):
13.        宇宙无敌通杀型帅哥: Favorite All-Time Hunk: (史上所有美剧里出现过的男演员都可以)

如果对以上分类不是很清楚的话,可以看英文原文有解释及举例: http://jimhalterman.com/news/the ... ;utm_medium=twitter

1. 所填入的演员必须在一部正在播出的美剧中出现,不包含已宣布取消或被砍掉的剧集。
2. 如果同一演员在不同类型的美剧中演出(必须是正在连载中的美剧),可以在不同类型剧集中输入同一个演员的名字。
3. 每天一个电邮地址只能投票一次。
4. 投票方式: 发电邮至jim@jimhalterman.com,只有通过电邮发出的投票才有效,欢迎发布及分享此投票。投票截止日为美国时间2011年10月30日晚上12点。




发送至: jim@jimhalterman.com



Hi Jim,
Please find my vote for THE ULTIMATE TV HUNK LIST below:

1.        Laughing 'Til It Hurts: (The Comedy Hunk):
2.        Wearing My Heart On My Sleeve (The Drama Hunk):
3.        Is That A Gun In Your Pocket or…. (The Crime Fighting Hunk):
4.        I Kinda Sorta Look Human (The Non-Human Hunk):
5.        New Kid On The Block (The New Hunk):
6.        A Galaxy Far, Far Away (The Sci-Fi Hunk):
7.        Doctor! Doctor! (The Medical Hunk):
8.        Like Sands Through The Hour Glass (The Daytime Hunk):
9.        I'm Super, Thanks For Asking (The Gay Hunk):
10.        So You Think You Can Host? (The Reality TV Hunk):
11.        Twisting The Knife And Lovin’ It (The Villainous Hunk): Gale Harold
12.        Smoldering All Around (The Hunkiest Show On TV): The Secret Circle
13.        Favorite All-Time Hunk: Gale Harold/Randy Harrison/ … (写上自己的心水,记得是只填一个人的哈)



结果将于下星期公布! :s40


回复 432# RainieNg


哈哈 活动页面下面的评论有一半都是替Gale打气的。。。
Once in an enormous while there's a Montgomery Clift, or a James Dean, or a Gale Harold. Nobody else on TV at the moment even comes close.

so true!! lol


sky1111 发表于 2011-10-28 22:15


我一直觉得 Adam和 Nick的演员应该对调,Thomas Dekker(饰演 Adam)面貌实在太阴柔了,跟 Diana一点都不搭
六師弟 发表于 2011-10-29 00:02

嗯 可能Adam摆在那里就是为了跟Cassie配对的...


'The Secret Circle': Tension builds between Charles and Dawn -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Charles的崛起 {:3_254:}
视频地址: http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/11/0 ... charles-dawn-video/
美国时间11月3日晚播出的第8集由前QAF导演John Fawcett执导


消息来源: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com ... on-schedule/109422/
第8集 (Beneath): 2011年11月3日
第9集 (Balcoin):  2011年11月10日

第10集: 2012年1月5日

更多资讯可以关注: weibo.com/galeharold


本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-11-11 14:06 编辑

The Secret Circle入围一年一度的People's Choice(美国人民选择奖)
2)在中间TV一列点选倒数第二个Favorite New TV Drama,
3)回到页面上方选择第二行左起第四个The Secret Circle图标


CW为今晚播出的第9集Balcoin举行了一个试映会,作为The Secret Circle半季终。播出第9集后TSC将会进入圣诞假期间歇,第10集将于2012年1月5日回归。Charles的妈妈也会在这一集出现。

试映会访问(长达37分钟重磅视频): 各种趣怪表情,各种萌点{:3_254:}

@ryana82 Today when Andrew introduced Gale Harold he stuck his tongue out and made a funny face. He still looked cute!"
@ryana82 Also I am shocked to admit that Gale Harold is really funny! I never that side of him and he really had us all laughing!"
@tn80 Gale Harold was starting rumors about what was going to happen on The Secret Circle and we all believed him."
Gotta love his wonderful sense of humour!

Charles (Gale Harold) is going to get a mom when The Secret Circle comes back in January. She will be played by Stephanie Kramer (Hunter)!!!"



2012年播出的第10集预告: (第4秒可以看到Charles,Dawn和Cassie等几位circle成员共进晚餐)

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2011/ ... ucer-andrew-miller/


'The Secret Circle': Tension builds between Charles and Dawn -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Charles的崛起 {:3_254:}
视频地址: http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/11/0 ... charles-dawn-video/
美国时间11月3日晚播出的第8集由前QAF导演John Fawcett执导


消息来源: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com ... on-schedule/109422/
第8集 (Beneath): 2011年11月3日
第9集 (Balcoin):  2011年11月10日

第10集: 2012年1月5日

更多资讯可以关注: weibo.com/galeharold


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