本帖最后由 cora 于 2010-4-20 17:30 编辑

海报很好看 而且还把Heart和art联系一起了
很期待Gale到时的着装{:3_276:} 会不会又是那条细黑色领带咧?

PS Jennifer Beals好漂亮 原来她就是Lie to me里面男主角的前妻{:3_293:}


本帖最后由 cora 于 2010-6-7 10:14 编辑

{:3_279:}春天草地趴体 好开心
Gale写得满满的修改过的演讲稿 好认真{:3_292:}
帮补个地址 哈哈
http://news.l-word.com/2010/06/o ... ls-and-gale-harold/
http://news.l-word.com/2010/06/o ... oche-awards-photos/


2010.6.5 LGBT慈善活动的详细日志

本帖最后由 cora 于 2010-6-13 16:55 编辑

OC Gala with Jennifer Beals and Gale Harold – June 5, 2010


原文地址: http://news.l-word.com/2010/06/o ... %80%93-june-5-2010/


Last Saturday, the Center honored Jennifer Beals and Gale Harold with “Torchbearer” Awards. This is what the Gala organizers had to say about Jen­nifer and the reason why she was honored.
6月5日,LGBT中心授予Jennifer Beals和Gale Harold“Torchbearer Award”(火炬手奖座)。

Gale Harold deserves the same accolades for his role of Brian Kinney on “Queer as Folk”.

“Yes, we said it: Brian Kinney is God. Who wasn’t glued to their television when ‘Queer as Folk’ began in its run? And we wondered: who is that gor­geous guy who plays Brian Kinney and where did he come from? Now we know that he is Gale Harold, the only person on the planet that could have brought Brian Kinney to life … It is hard to imagine how a straight actor pre­pares for a role like this one. First, he must be courageous enough to say yes to the role. Then somehow he must transform a straight orientation and attitude to one of a promiscuous, gay man … One wonders if he was a gay man in previous life or just plain brilliant. We think it may be both!”
这里说的是QAF热播,Brian Kinney这个上帝式人物把人们的目光集中在一名叫Gale Harold的演员身上。

Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the honorees. Gale got to the Gala first and he mingled with the guests, taking photos with his fans. A few peo­ple called him Brian and he joked that now they owed him $5 each time they called him by his character’s name.

I talked to him a little and mentioned that we have many fans on “l-word.com” who loved him on “Queer as Folk”. He thought by my accent, that I was French or German and when I told him I was Russian, he intro­duced me to a young lady, who was actually going to Russia because her grandparents were from there. What a small world! I taught her a few words.

Jennifer and Gale talked to each other for a moment and then she spent the rest of the reception taking photos with major donors and the VIP guests. Jennifer patiently took photos with everyone and exchanged a few words with each attendee.

When the dinner was almost over, Kim Cunningham, Vice Chair of the Cen­ter, introduced Gale Harold, who said how grateful he was for the opportu­nity to be a part of such an important series as “Queer as Folk”. It was a lit­tle hard to follow him because he had a handwritten acceptance speech and he kept losing pages, which was funny. By the end of the speech Gale got a little bit emotional and he finished by thanking Showtime and the town of Pittsburg, which was the home for “Queer as Folk”.





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